The Darshan Dhuni Quotes & Contributors
Meher Mount
By Margaret Magnus
THE DARSHAN DHUNI at Meher Mount on Saturday, June 12, 2021, in the space of the ‘Baba Room’ where Avatar Meher Baba gave darshan (His blessing) to His followers in 1956. (Photo: Screen Capture from the video, “Darshan Dhuni.”)
The special Darshan Dhuni at Meher Mount on Saturday, June 12, 2021, honored Avatar Meher Baba, His message of Love and Truth, and His Presence at Meher Mount.
In the space where the dhuni was held will be the Darshan Courtyard — the site of the ‘Baba Room’ where Meher Baba gave darshan (His blessing) to His followers on August 2, 1956. The courtyard — next to Baba’s Fireplace — is to be an intimate space that evokes the ‘Baba Room’ where visitors can sit, reflect, meditate, enjoy the outdoors and remember the Divine.
In building the Darshan Courtyard, the Meher Mount team wanted to create a way for followers of Meher Baba from around the world to feel connected to Him and His presence at Meher Mount. All were invited to send a personally meaningful Meher Baba quote to be part of the courtyard foundation in the form of dhuni (sacred fire) ashes.
At the Darshan Dhuni, each quote and the name of the person who sent it was read aloud and then placed in the dhuni. More than 185 individuals from nine countries (Israel, Croatia, Canada, France, Australia, India, England, Mexico, and the United States) sent a quote.
The Darshan Dhuni Quotes
“One is.”
Agnes Baron (Sam Ervin)
“All souls (atmas) were, are and will be in the Over-Soul (Paramatma). Souls (atmas) are all One. All souls are infinite and eternal. They are formless. All souls are One; there is no difference in souls or in their being and existence as souls.”
Hugh Flick
“As Baba works on these words that He gives out, He attaches to each word a spiritual energy of great quantity, great proportion – and the individual who takes the trouble, even without understanding, to read Baba's words, taps into this gift of spiritual energy which the Avatar has attached to His own words.”
Margaret Magnus
"Now go out and see the view and try to love Baba through nature. This is all due to My love. This whole creation, this nature, all the beauty you see, all came out of Me."
Robert Turnage
Leslie & Samantha Bridger
"Long for what is real. You will then have no time for worrying over what may happen."
Kristina Somma
"A joyful heart will help you most to get strong."
Diana Le Page
“I am nearer to you than your own breath.”
Ellen Kwiatkowski
Carol Kohn-Mannis
Judith Shotwell
"Remember Me and I am with you, and My Love will guide you."
Laurent Weichberger
“There is nothing love cannot achieve, and there is nothing love cannot sacrifice."
Amandah Paren
Anushka Srivastava
"True love is no game of the faint hearted and weak, it is born of strength and understanding."
Marta Flores
“There is no higher or lower goal. There is only one goal, Self-Realization.”
Dusttin Paren
"It requires great heroism to lead a spiritual life."
Linda Blouin
“I bring the greatest treasure it is possible for man to receive, a treasure that includes all other treasures, that will endure forever, that increases when shared with others. Be ready to receive it.”
Bing Heckman
Dagmar Lai
“When you become Mine, then you will find that I am already yours.”
Vicki Alberts
"I belong to no religion. My religion is love. Every heart is my temple."
Steve Bostwick
“My gift to you is your remembrance of Me.”
Mehernoush McPherson
"Don't try to understand me, just love me."
Erin Sommerville
"God can only be found within you. His only abode is the heart."
Kevin and Sarah Dwyer
“Things that are real are given and received in Silence. God has been everlastingly working in Silence, unobserved, unheard, except by those who experience His Infinite Silence.”
Fred Stankus
Yehudit Abramson
Leslie Callarman
Anna Lovell
Jyoti Raju
Maria Radoje
Nader Ghaffari
“When the mind soars in pursuit of the things conceived in space, it pursues emptiness; but when man dives deep within himself, he experiences the fullness of existence.”
Kristen Morrison
Jayaa Shetty
“Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. So learn to love and give, and not to expect anything from others.”
Linda Zavala
Joshua Breiter
Bhanu Nissankara
“God is infinite honesty. To love God, you must be honest.”
Marianne Miles
“We are loving God if…
If we feel for others in the same way we feel for our own dear ones; If instead of seeing faults in others, we look within ourselves; If instead of robbing others to help ourselves, we rob ourselves to help others; If we suffer in the suffering of others and feel happy in the happiness of others; If instead of worrying over our own misfortunes, we think ourselves more fortunate than many others; If we endure our lot with patience and contentment, excepting it as His Will; If we understand and feel that the greatest act of devotion and worship to God is to not hurt or harm any if His beings, We are loving God.”
Martha Aubin
“I am the One so many seek and so few find.”
James Whedon
“God cannot be explained, He cannot be argued about, He cannot be theorized, nor can He be discussed and understood. God can only be lived.”
Juan Mendez
“I am the Divine Beloved who loves you more than you can ever love yourself.”
Agnes Montano
"Tell them that what comes out of the mouth is far more important than what goes into it."
James Whitson
“Love can attain what the intellect cannot fathom.”
Shiva Kalidindi
“Think of Me before doing anything. The greatest service is to obey me."
Ron Festine
“If you don’t want to be old before your time, be cheerful in deed and word and in appearance ~most of all in appearance. It is a divine art to look cheerful, it helps others.”
Lois Jones
Ron Holsey
“The ego is the center of all human activity. The attempts of the ego to secure its own extinction might be compared to the attempt of a person to stand on his own shoulders. Just as the eye cannot see itself, the ego is unable to end its own existence. Difficulty of All that it does to bring about self-annihilation overcoming ego only goes to add to its own existence. It flourishes on the very efforts directed against itself. Thus it is unable to vanish altogether through its own desperate activity, although it succeeds in transforming its own nature. The disappearance of the ego is conditioned by the melting away of the limited mind, which is its seat.”
Roxana Naraghi
“Distance means nothing to me. Time and space are no barriers for me. I will be with you wherever you are. Don't worry; remain happy and cheerful. And remember: I am always with you.”
Eric Carlson
“In the realm of Love does ever the Beloved reveal the ways in which He should be loved? You have to show Me the way in which you love Me. I am the Ocean of Love and infinite are the ways that lead you to Me. In love there are no pre-prepared ways; it cuts its own way; it is creative. You have to find your own way. I am there right within to help you."
Jonathan Burroughs
“Love God and find him within - the only treasure worth finding.”
Mark Bacin
Susie Lemieux
"Everything happens by God's will and is necessary."
Telley Leimbach
“I have come to sow the seed of love in your hearts so that, in spite of all your superficial diversity which your life in illusion must experience and endure, through love, is brought about amongst all nations, creeds, sects and castes of the world.”
Linda O’Hare
Nadeen Paul
“Help us all to love you more and more, and more and more, and still yet more, until we become worthy of union with you; and help us all hold fast to Baba’s Daaman until the very end.”
Jan Mix
“Let your head respond to the heart and then act accordingly.”
Shraddha Kamble
“The book that I shall make people read is the book of the heart, which holds the key to the mystery of life.”
Wendi Mirabella
“Do nothing against the dictates of your own heart, even if commanded by me.”
Thia Griffin-Elliott
“Because I love you, you have a pool of love within you. When you feel wretched, when you fall in your weakness, have a dip in that pool of my love within you. It is always there.”
Karen Blackmore
“Whatever you face in the world, I am facing it along with you. I will never leave you. I am always with you.”
Merissa Fuentes
“I have come not to teach but to awaken.”
Randy Wasserstrom
“All this world confusion and chaos was inevitable and no one is to blame. What had to happen has happened; and what has to happen will happen. There was and is no way out except through my coming in your midst. I had to come, and I have come. I am the Ancient One.”
Wayne Myers
Buzz Glasky
Mark Bonnlander
Mark Trichka
Andrew Shott
“True love is unconquerable and irresistible. It goes on gathering power and spreading itself until eventually it transforms everyone it touches.”
Khushnam Crawford
"Your job is to remember me. Everything else is my job."
Eric Teperman
“Love is a gift from God to man. Obedience is a gift from Master to man. And surrender is a gift from man to Master.”
Elaine Munson
"Understanding has no meaning. Love has meaning. Obedience has more meaning. Holding onto My Daaman has most meaning".
Frank Parker
“Real happiness lies in making others happy.”
Alecia Kendall
Amit Sharma
Joanitt Montano
Rajitha G
Steven Winn
Xerxes Phiroze Kutar
Zubin Mistry
Soni Sood
“Don't worry, be happy.”
Marsha Rusby
Priyanka Sharma
Mitali Banerjee
“To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms truth, love, purity and beauty — this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth. All other happenings, incidents and attainments in themselves can have no lasting importance.”
Maureen Lehman
Cheryl Johnson
Fereshteh Azad
Tricia Migdoll
Kira Olsen
"You and I are not we but One."
Joseph Olay O'Neill
Leslie Anne
Michal Namo Sivan
Paul Smith
"The Divine Beloved is always with you, in you, and around you. Know that you are not separate from Him."
Candy Bloeme
“True love is no game of the faint-hearted and the weak. It is borne of strength and understanding.”
Kyle Morrison
"If you worry about yourself, God does not worry about you. And why should He? If you stop worrying, God has to begin to worry for you. Remember Him whole-heartedly; leave your worrying to Him and be free to remain cheerful."
Virginia Glasky
Allen Breiter
“Do not worry about anything. Keep thinking of Me constantly. I am the only one that Exists. The only one that Matters.”
Eric Turk
Jess Maron
“Love is essentially self-communicative: those who do not have it catch it from those who have it.... No amount of rites, rituals, ceremonies, worship, meditation, penance and remembrance can produce love in themselves. None of these is necessarily a sign of love. On the contrary, those who sigh loudly and weep and wail have yet to experience love. Love sets on fire the one who finds it. At the same time it seals his lips so that no smoke comes out.
Ruchi Khanna
“I love you more than you can ever love yourself.”
Ursula Reinhart
“I love artists, because through art one can express oneself beautifully.”
Ingka & Michael Charters
“I am the Universal Thief; I steal hearts.”
Melinda Buckwalter
“Let these words be inscribed in your heart: Nothing is real but God. Nothing matters but Love for God.”
Donnalyn Karpeles
Catherine Thompson
Ken Ceder
Pris Haffenden
Bif Sofer
Tim Hurley
“My center is the heart of every lover. Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center.”
Jan Coutu
"Do not listen to the voice of the mind. Listen to the voice of the heart. The mind wavers, the heart does not. The mind is the home of doubts, reasoning & theories. The heart when purified becomes the dwelling of the Beloved. Rid your heart of low desires, malice, selfishness and God will manifest in you as your true self."
Janice Kyal
Paul Uccello
“God is not to be learned or studied or discussed or argued about. He is to be contemplated, felt, loved and lived.”
Jaswinder Kour
“Love is essentially self-communicative; those who do not have it catch it from those who have it. Those who receive love from others cannot be its recipients without giving a response which, in itself, is the nature of love. True love is unconquerable and irresistible. It goes on gathering power and spreading itself until eventually it transforms everyone it touches.”
Jeff Craddock
"He whom I love most will always be a wreck financially, as thereby he automatically gets clean. He gets so clean that, with my nazar [glance], his ego goes and Baba comes!”
Lin Sonner
Ajit Srivastava
"I never make plans, never change plans. It is all one endless plan of making people know that there is no plan."
Jim Wrobel
“The moment the intensity of your faith in my will reaches its height, you say goodbye to worry forever. Then, all that you suffered and enjoyed in the past, together with what you may experience in the future, will be to you the most loving and spontaneous expression of my will; and nothing will ever be able to cause you worry again.”
Jeff Wolverton
“The purpose of life is to realize God within ourselves. This can be done even whilst attending to our worldly duties.”
Jon & Deborah Meyer
“Live more and more in the present, which is ever beautiful and stretches away beyond the limits of the past and future.”
Michele Waering
“Long for what is real. You will then have no time for worrying over what may never happen.”
Shani Breiter
"Remember me wholeheartedly and you will feel my presence wherever you are."
Mik Hamilton
“Do not worry. Be happy in my Love and continue to hold fast to my daaman to the very end. Rest assured that all will be divinely well. God does not abandon those who trust Him. Those who love me and obey me as I should be loved and obeyed, will one day be similarly loved and obeyed. Those who have today willingly chosen to become my slaves will become true masters tomorrow.”
Rajat Mishra
“God wants honesty and an open heart.”
Rajesh Dhatrik
“Live only to find and realize your true identity with your Beloved God.”
Rosie Polo
“Learn the art of taking your stand on the Truth within. When you live in this Truth, the result is the fusion of the mind and the heart and the end of all fears and sorrow. It is not a dry attainment of mere power or intellectual knowledge. A love which is illumined by the intuitive wisdom of the spirit will bless your life with ever-renewing fulfillment and never-ending sweetness.”
Miriam Rose
“If I am the Highest of the High, my Will is Law, my Wish governs the Law, and my Love sustains the Universe.”
Rafael Villafane
“There cannot be ebb and tide in eternity, no meaningless intervals between intermittent harvests, but a fullness of being which cannot suffer impoverishment of a single instant.”
Donnita Moist
"Now, none can escape karma=actions, but the actions must be done in such a way that 'reverse' sanskaras=impressions are formed to counterbalance the ordinary sanskaras. Devotion, charities, prayers, bhajans, kirtan, name repetition create such sanskaras that they burn away the ordinary sanskaras."
Kanji Miyao
“Evil is the lingering relic of earlier good.”
Sharon Snyder
“People wait for the big moment, the great event, and forget that happiness comes from building steadily on the small daily things of life. People wait for that special moment to express love and forget that love springs from thoughtfulness practised every day. People wait, but waiting is future and now is always the time.”
Terri Levine
"Mastery in servitude."
Prem Sharma
Vahe Zarukian
“When you think, not of yourself, but of others, the thought about your own ego is replaced by thinking of others, and gradually you forget yourself in serving others.”
Stephanie Connon
“No amount of prayer or meditation can do what helping others can do.”
Beverley Rhinesmith Pape
“When Love is present, the path to the Truth is joyous.”
Rakhi Sharma
"One who calls out sincerely to God, never fails to be heard and to receive His help."
Steve Jacobs
“Constant remembrance of the word of His name and the form in which He manifested consumes the mind. Choiceless awareness of His ever renewing and indivisible presence both in and around us lifts the curtain that veils our vision from Truth.”
Al Grasso
“The source of eternal bliss is the Self in all. The cause of perpetual misery is the selfishness of all. As long as satisfaction is derived from selfish pursuits, misery will always exist. Only because of the infinite love and mercy of God can man learn to realise, through the lessons of misery on earth, that inherent in him is the source of infinite bliss and all suffering is his labor of love to unveil his own infinite self.”
Meherveena Rangnekar
"I am your Master, but I am also your friend. I am one of you and one with you."
Scott & Nancy Lesniewski
“You are and you will ever be. There is no one else but you. Instantly, in a flash, you will know everything, including why you have no beginning and no end. But this knowing will have nothing whatsoever to do with mind, or reason, or logic. It is beyond mind. You know the answer to everything, you know that nothing has happened and nothing will ever happen. You then experience bliss; you become All-Powerful, All-Knowing.”
Tim Barnhart
"Love is the reflection of God's unity in the world of duality. It constitutes the entire significance of creation."
Andy Lesnik
“The time of Grace is so near that the only thing that can count now is love.”
Behnaz Partovi
"Your love makes me happy, remember me wholeheartedly I am with you."
Cindy Boze
“The more you remember others with kindness and generosity, the more you forget yourself, and when you completely forget yourself, you find God.”
Chanthan Keyes
“Remember that the first step in spirituality is not to speak ill of others. Try to find your own weaknesses and correct those.”
Cynthia Stevenson
"It is never possible to give a purely intellectual proof for the existence of God...The fact is that these intellectuals are not at all interested in God. They are only keen about argument and their own vanity. If they really wanted to know God, they would pay the price for it. They would begin to be humble and selfless and loving, and they would start attaining complete purity of heart. This will lead them on to God more surely than any amount of barren argumentation."
Dawn Dolan
“Being is dying by loving.”
Glenn Russ
“When nothing upsets you, you are at the beginning of the path. When you desire nothing, you are halfway on the path; when nothing becomes everything, you are perfected.”
Karlette Joseph
“Once you have surrendered yourself to a Guru, he has to perform his duty toward you - he cannot escape that. All that is required of you thereafter is your unbounded love and unswerving faith. These will encourage him in his duties towards you…. So, take your Guru to be your God with as much love and faith as possible, surrender and serve him. And then you will be saved.”
Marnie & Doug Frank
“In most persons faith in oneself is always being challenged and undone by the constant experience of one’s own frailties and failings, which often prove to be unyielding, even when one knows what is right. Self-confidence, which is thus in perpetual danger of being shattered, can be securely established only when the individual has before him the vision of a living example of Perfection, and has faith in it.”
Kendra Crossen-Burroughs
"But where will you look for Me? I am hiding in your heart, so search for me in your heart. How will you search for Me? Always remember Me, call Me, make Me your dear friend because I am your friend. I will respond to your call immediately.”
Len Ceder
“The powerhouse will never fail, provided the wires maintain their connection with it.”
Meher Ramya Dheram
“Remember Me and I am always with you and My love will guide you. Keep Me with you always. Love God and find Him within, the only treasure worth finding.”
Meherwan and Zenobia Mistry
“The real wealth is the amount of intensity and sincerity in longing for the love of God.”
Mehrnoush Zare
“I am the One so many seek and so few find.”
Michael Kiser
“Arti and worship is for saints; I have come for love. The rest is all illusion. Do not expect anything except Love.”
Mira Verunica
“God is omnipresent, and the one who calls out sincerely to Him never fails to be heard and receive His help.”
Nasrin Ajang
“When you leave all to Me, I dare not neglect you, and you get relief from your predicament. I am the Ocean of Love and Compassion.”
Namrata Amit Sharma
“Do your best, then don't worry; Be happy in My Love.”
Richard Mannis
"The best way to cleanse the heart and prepare for the stilling of the mind is to lead a normal, worldly life. Living in the midst of your day-to-day duties, responsibilities, likes, dislikes, etc., will help you. All these become the very means for the purification of your heart."
Rachana Nakra
"The fact is there are no hardships, because everything in the world is one big zero! I see and experience this every moment."
Peter Piazza
"In the entire spiritual panorama of the universe nothing is more sublime than a spontaneous prayer. It gushes out of the human heart, filled with appreciative joy...In its highest form, prayer leaves no room for the illusory diarchy of the lover and the Beloved. It is a return to one's own being."
Robin Bowyer
“The ideal prayer to the Lord is nothing more than spontaneous praise of His being.”
Jonathan Palley
“The whole of life is an expression of a love so great that none can fathom it.”
Patricia Thorne
“Pure love is matchless in majesty: it has no parallel in power and there is no darkness it cannot dispel.”
Payam Ajang-Russ
“Believe Love.”
Gerry Seeley
“It is not so much that you are within the cosmos but that the cosmos is within you.”
Dyan Ullman
"I am ever conscious that I am in you, while you are never conscious that I am in you. Daily I support you and share your consciousness. Now I want you to uphold Me and share My consciousness one day. I am nearer to you than your own breath. Remember Me and I am with you and My Love will guide you."
Ganesh Aditham
“Before he can know Who he is, man has to un-learn the mass of illusory knowledge he has burdened himself with on the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness. It is only through love that you can begin to un-learn, thus eventually putting an end to all that you do not know. God-love penetrates the illusion, while no amount of illusion can penetrate God-love. Start learning to love God by beginning to love those whom you cannot. You will find that in serving others you are serving yourself. The more you remember others with kindness and generosity, the less you remember yourself; and the less you remember yourself the more you forget yourself. And, when you completely forget yourself, you find me as the Source of all Love.”
John Giusto
“Soon I will break my silence and give the world my Real Darshan. The spoken Word of Truth will penetrate deep into the heart of the world.”
Karina Page
"In the silence of your perfect surrender, my love for you which is always silent can flow to you-to be yours always to keep and to share with those who seek Me."
Azmin Siganporia
“Essentially, we are all one. I am greater than none of you in the soul-sense and, really speaking, none of you have to receive divinity from me, the divinity that is externally existing equally in us all; but what I have to give is the knowledge and the experience of the oneness of us all. Divine Love knows no decay, fear or corruption, because it is illumined by the understanding that all life is One.”
Arnie Goldstein
“Love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours. Fortunate are they whose love is tested by misfortunes. Love demands that the lover sacrifices himself for the Beloved. If you have that love for Me, that St. Francis had for Jesus, then not only will you realize Me, but you will please Me.”
Aleksandar Markovic
“Remain cheerful in all your trials and know that I am with you.”
Irene and Cliff Ives
"Baba's Nazar is on you. Baba wants you only to worry for His Love and be worried to remember Him constantly. he rest leave it to Him, being rest assured that the rest is only achieved by His Grace and Will."
Bill Cliff
“Your job is to bring My Name to the ear. My job is to bring it from the ear to the heart.”
Joan Harland
“Sat Guru your eternal Love is still inspiring me to be like you and get myself connected with your endless grace, love and light.”
Sanjay Bhansali
“Once you open your wings, you must fly straight like the swan. Do not flit from tree to tree like the sparrow and get distracted on the way.”
Pratibha Singh
Kim May
“...continue to gather together with all enthusiasm and drown in the Ocean of My Silence... The voice that is heard deep within the soul is My voice - the voice of inspiration, of intuition, of guidance.”
Nancy Bunn
"Do your best and leave the results to God."
Melus Rhodes (Melody Dickinson)
"The only Real Surrender is that in which poise is undisturbed by any adverse circumstance; and the individual, amidst every kind of hardship, is resigned with perfect calm to the will of God."
Golnaz Manouchehr-pour
“What is spirituality? Poise, perfect poise. Make the most of every situation.”
Ricky Crowley
“If you love Me, you should not try to create confusion among yourselves...You will be loving Me best by loving each other. If one has to say something behind the other's back, how can you tell the world about My Love? If you cannot love Me as I want you to love Me, it is best not to speak to the world about Me.”
Marta Velasquez
“The way of My Work is the way of effacement, which is the way of strength, not of weakness and through it you become mature in My love. At this stage you cannot know what real love is, but through working for Me as you should work for Me, you will arrive at that ripeness where, in a moment, I can give you That for which you have been millions of years seeking.”
Meher Prasad Malakapalli
“Each is free to think of Me and interpret My work as he feels or understands best. Either My words must be presented as they stand, or if interpreted by you, you must not fail to state it as your own interpretation... I have never denied being Perfect and being the Avatar, but you do not know that yet. I know I am the One without a second, alone and matchless. You would be quite right to assert and proclaim whatever you truly believe Me to be: never hesitate to own your faith and belief in Me and about Me. But do not claim to know or feel what you actually do not.
Betty Lowman
"Unless and until ignorance is removed and Knowledge is gained (the Knowledge whereby the divine life is experienced and lived) everything pertaining to the spiritual seems paradoxical-God, whom we do not see, we say is real; and the world which we do see, we say is unreal. In experience, what exists for us does not really exist; and what does not exist for us, really exists.
Hemant Wankhade
“Believe me, I am the Ancient One. There is no doubt about it. I am not this body that you see. It is only a cloak. I am infinite consciousness. I sit with you Play with you and laugh with you, simultaneously working on all the planes of consciousness. I know three things. I am the Avatar in every sense of the word. Whatever I do is the expression of my unbounded Love. I suffer infinite agony eternally through your ignorance. What sustains me in this My universal suffering is bliss, plus my infinite sense of humor. The amusing incidents that arise at the expense of none, lighten my burden. Therefore always think of me, remain cheerful in all situations and I am there to help you.”
Vijay Bhalekar
“...The seed of contrariety, spontaneously sown by the reverberations of the first urge, imperceptibly germinated and manifested, for the first time, in the shape of duality.”
Randy Buck
“Surrender and you become one with Baba.”
Shahin Saidi
"Baba, help us all to love you more and more with every breath."
Mehera Meherpoonam
“The self, in fact, is a limitless, indivisible, spiritual essence — eternal in its nature and infinite in its resources.”
Sam Ervin
“When you wake up say, ‘Baba, I now entrust all to you.’ When you go to bed at night say, “Baba I now entrust all my thoughts, spoken words, good and bad deeds to you.’”
Judy Stephens
"If you realised but a particle of that knowledge which I know, you would experience inexpressible bliss. Every object would impart happiness to you. Every object would tell you its part in the story of knowledge, and all the misery that's in the world would shine forth as heaven."
Adair Adams
“THIS IS ALL DUE MY LOVE…” — Avatar Meher Baba at Meher Mount on August 2, 1956. This cake was for the Darshan Dhuni on June 12, 2021. (Photo: Robert Turnage)