9902 Sulphur Mountain Road
Ojai, CA 93023-9375

Phone: 805-640-0000


Wednesday-Sunday: Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Monday & Tuesday: Closed


Buzz & Ginger Glasky


Sam Ervin, Preident
Ron Holsey, Vice President
Ursula Reinhart, Treasurer
Jim Whitson, Director
Richard Mannis, Director


Margaret Magnus, Secretary

9902 Sulphur Mountain Rd
Ojai, CA, 93023
United States

(805) 640-0000

Planned Giving Resources


your Planned Gift will Change a Life

When you learned about Avatar Meher Baba your life changed. Forever.

Now, you can return the gift of His name to someone like you. And change a life. Forever. 

This gift costs you nothing in your lifetime and lasts long into the future.

Your legacy gift will make sure the gates of Meher Mount will open to welcome a visitor like you to hear Meher Baba’s name.

It’s hard to imagine our lives without Meher Mount – a special place of pilgrimage where are hearts are lifted and filled with Meher Baba’s love. That’s why your planned gift is so important!


4 Steps to Get Started with Your Planned Gift

Do you want to make sure your affairs are in order? Is it important to you that your family to know your wishes?

Do you want to leave something for the causes you care about…like Meher Mount?

Looking for a place to start?

Kickstart your planning with the the tips in this eBook, “4 Steps to Get Started with Your Planned Gift.”

the 7 Myths of Making a Planned Gift — Why Acting now Makes Sense

If making a difference is important to you…

If giving is an important part of your core values…

If you want to use your resources in service to Avatar Meher Baba…

Then you will want to read this free eBook, “The 7 Myths of a Planned Gift — Why Acting Now Makes Sense.”

The Agnes Baron Endowment for Meher Mount — A Gift for the next 700 Years & Beyond

Do you want to provide stability and longevity for a place you love?

But you sometimes think your legacy gift won’t make much of a difference?

See how your planned gift can leave a long-lasting legacy.

Then you will want to read this information on “The Agnes Baron Endowment for Meher Mount.”