Who Is Meher Baba?
Meher Baba says He is the same Ancient One known in the past as Zoroaster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed.
When God Manifests as Man He is the Avatar
AVATAR MEHER BABA said: “Inscribe these words on your heart: Nothing is real but God. Nothing matters but love for God.”
Meher Baba declares He is the same Ancient One known in the past as Zoroaster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed.
“When God manifests on earth in the form of man and reveals His Divinity to mankind, He is recognized as the Avatar — the Messiah — the Prophet. Thus, God becomes Man.
“The Avatar is always One and the Same, because God is always One and the Same,” Meher Baba explained.
The Avatar comes each time with the same basic message: “Nothing is real but God. Nothing matters but love for God.”
“This Eternally One and the Same Avatar repeats His manifestation from time to time, in different cycles, adopting different human forms and different names, in different places, to reveal Truth in different garbs and different languages.”
Meher Baba Did Not Come to Establish a New Religion
Meher Baba did not come to establish a new religion. “The religion I impart to all is love for God, which is the truth of all religions. I have only one message to give, and I repeat it age after age to one and all: Love God."
He said, “I am equally approachable to one and all, big and small, to saints who rise and sinners who fall, through all the various paths that give the Divine Call… and also directly through no medium or ‘ism’ at all.”
Avatar Meher Baba brought the presence of the God-Man to Meher Mount. “I love Meher Mount very much and feel happy here,” Meher Baba said when He arrived on August 2, 1956. “This land is very old. I have been here before.”
Meher Mount is a universal spiritual center in Ojai, California, dedicated to Meher Baba.
Guests are welcome to visit to be inspired… to celebrate Divine Love and Oneness… to see God through nature… and to offer service.
“This is all due to my love,” Meher Baba said at Meher Mount. “This whole creation, this nature, all the beauty you see, all came out of me.”
“I have only one message to give, and I repeat it age after age to one and all: Love God.”