The Special Darshan Dhuni Film
Margaret Magnus
By Margaret Magnus
“I always feel Meher Baba’s Presence at Meher Mount, but last Saturday was something special,” said Jim Whitson remembering the Darshan Dhuni.
On Saturday, June 12, 2021, more than 40 people gathered at Meher Mount to hear and read the 185 personally meaningful Meher Baba quotes sent from all over the world. These quotes are to be part of the Darshan Courtyard foundation in the form of dhuni (sacred fire) ashes.
The courtyard — next to Baba’s Fireplace — will be an intimate space that evokes the atmosphere of the ‘Baba Room’ where Meher Baba gave darshan (His blessing) to His followers in 1956.
“From the moment we all got together and said the prayers, I felt tremendous power emanating from where we were all standing. And I wasn’t the only one,” Jim continued.
“Several people around me said the same thing. It continued throughout the reading of the Meher Baba quotes, and, if anything, got more intense.”
“It was magical,” agreed Robert Turnage, another reader.
Film of the Darshan Dhuni
To capture some of this magic and share this special event with all, Meher Mount engaged Square Productions of Ojai, CA, to produce a film of the Darshan Dhuni. This 56-minute film is a meditation on Meher Baba’s words and His messages of Love.
“I must admit,” said Jim, “I wasn't sure how 40-plus people reading 185 quotes, next to the dhuni, being filmed and with a giant microphone overhead, would turn out. But they were quotes by Meher Baba, so that makes all the difference in the Universe.”
Sam Ervin, master of ceremonies for the Darshan Dhuni, remarked on what a privilege it is “to bathe ourselves in this outpouring of Meher Baba’s Love through all those who have offered His words from their hearts.
“These quotations represent but a small sample of Avatar Meher Baba’s sublime messages from the depths of His Silence to reassure and guide mankind.”
In ending the event, Sam noted that “Meher Baba said all gatherings and celebrations in His Name should be solely for the expression of His Love.
“I feel all who have participated in this Darshan Dhuni, both present and far away, have helped us all to feel that Love.”
“YOU ARE SO LUCKY TO BE WITH ME SO CLOSELY…” — Avatar Meher Baba. He and caretaker Agnes Baron are seated in the ‘Baba Room’ at Meher Mount on August 2, 1956. (Photo: Meher Mount Archives)
The Darshan Courtyard
The Darshan Courtyard is to be a place where visitors can sit, reflect, meditate, take in the views, enjoy the outdoors, and remember the Divine.
During Meher Baba’s visit on August 2, 1956, He gave darshan (His blessing) to those with Him in the ‘Baba Room’ of the guesthouse.
In 1985, wildfire swept through Meher Mount destroying all the buildings, including the guesthouse and the ‘Baba Room.’ Yet, the stone fireplace-chimney – Baba’s Fireplace – remained as a reminder of His visit and His presence in our lives.
Baba’s Fireplace and the area around it – soon to become the Darshan Courtyard – is a unique and serene area for personal contemplation, small group gatherings, and celebration.
Film Credits
Master of Ceremonies: Sam Ervin
Manager/Caretakers: Eric Carlson, Ellen Kwiatkowski
Readers (in order of appearance): Sam Ervin, Margaret Magnus, Kristina Somma, Fred Stankus, Jim Whedon, Bing Heckman, Karen Blackmore, Lois Jones, Steve Bostwick, Kristen Morrison, Kyle Morrison, Roxanna Naraghi, Behnaz Partovi, Linda O’Hare, Jan Mix, Erin Sommerville, Amandah Paren, Martha Aubin, Shirin Vahidi, Golnaz Manouchehr-Pour, James Whitson, Wendi Mirabella, Ellen Kwiatkowski, Linda Morrison, Nancy Rugo, Tim Wilson, Lizzy Morrison, Skylar Tapley, Forest Tapley, Michael Childs, Richard Stermer, Linda Zavala
Quote Contributors: Adair Adams, Agnes Baron, Agnes Montano, Ajit Srivastava, Al Grasso, Alecia Kendall, Aleksandar Markovic, Allen Breiter, Amandah Paren, Amit Sharma, Andrew Shott, Andy Lesnik, Anna Lovell, Anushka Srivastava, Arnie Goldstein, Azmin Siganporia, Behnaz Partovi, Betty Lowman, Beverley Rhinesmith Pape, Bhanu Nissankara, Bif Sofer, Bill Cliff, Bing Heckman, Buzz Glasky, Candy Bloeme, Carol Kohn-Mannis, Catherine Thompson, Chanthan Keyes, Cheryl Johnson, Cindy Boze, Cynthia Stevenson, Dagmar Lai, Dawn Dolan, Diana Le Page, Donnalyn Karpeles, Donnita Moist, Dusttin Paren, Dyan Ullman, Elaine Munson, Ellen Kwiatkowski, Eric Carlson, Eric Teperman, Eric Turk, Erin Sommerville, Fereshteh Azad, Frank Parker, Fred Stankus, Ganesh Aditham¸ Gerry Seeley, Glenn Russ, Golnaz Manouchehr-pour, Hemant Wankhade, Hugh Flick¸ Ingka & Michael Charters, Irene and Cliff Ives, James Whedon, James Whitson, Jan Coutu, Jan Mix, Janice Kyal, Jaswinder Kour, Jayaa Shetty, Jeff Craddock, Jeff Wolverton, Jess Maron, Jim Wrobel, Joan Harland, Joanitt Montano, John Giusto, Jon & Deborah Meyer, Jonathan Burroughs, Jonathan Palley, Joseph Olay O'Neill, Joshua Breiter, Juan Mendez, Judith Shotwell, Judy Stephens, Jyoti Raju, Kanji Miyao, Karen Blackmore, Karina Page, Karlette Joseph, Ken Ceder, Kendra Crossen Burroughs, Kevin and Sarah Dwyer, Khushnam Crawford, Kim May, Kira Olsen¸ Kristen Morrison, Kristina Somma, Kyle Morrison, Laurent Weichberger, Len Ceder, Leslie and Samantha Bridger, Leslie Anne, Leslie Callarman, Lin Sonner, Linda Blouin, Linda O'Hare, Linda Zavala, Lois Jones, Margaret Magnus, Maria Radoje, Marianne Miles, Mark Bacin, Mark Bonnlander, Mark Trichka, Marnie & Doug Frank, Marsha Rusby, Marta Flores, Marta Velasquez, Martha Aubin, Maureen Lehman, Meher Prasad Malakapalli, Meher Ramya Dheram, Mehera Meherpoonam, Mehernoush McPherson, Meherveena Rangnekar, Meherwan and Zenobia Mistry, Mehrnoush Zare, Melinda Buckwalter, Melus Rhodes (Melody Dickinson), Merissa Fuentes, Michael Kiser, Michal Namo Sivan, Michele Wearing, Mik Hamilton, Mira Verunica, Miriam Rose, Mitali Banerjee, Nadeen Paul, Nader Ghaffari, Namrata Amit Sharma, Nancy Bunn, Nasrin Ajang, Patricia Thorne, Paul Smith, Paul Uccello, Payam Ajang-Russ, Peter Piazza, Pratibha Singh, Prem Sharma, Pris Haffenden, Priyanka Sharma, Rachana Nakra, Rafael Villafane, Rajat Mishra, Rajesh Dhatrik, Rajitha G, Rakhi Sharma, Randall Buck, Randy Wasserstrom, Richard Mannis, Ricky Crowley, Robert Turnage, Robin Bowyer, Ron Festine, Ron Hosley, Rosie Polo, Roxana Naraghi, Ruchi Khanna, Sam Ervin, Sanjay Bhansali, Scott Lesniewski & Nancy Vasiloff, Shahin Saidi, Shani Breiter, Sharon Snyder, Shirin Vahidi, Shiva Kalidindi, Shraddha Kamble, Soni Sood, Stephanie Connon, Steve Bostwick, Steve Jacobs, Steven Winn, Susie Lemieux, Telley Leimbach, Terri Levine, Thia Griffin-Elliott, Tim Barnhart, Tim Hurley, Tricia Migdoll, Ursula Reinhart, Vahe Zarukian, Vicki Alberts, Vijay Bhalekar, Virginia Glasky, Wayne Myers, Wendi Mirabella, Xerxes Phiroze Kutar, Yehudit Abramson, Zubin Mistry
Producer: Margaret Magnus
Video Production: Square Productions, Ojai, CA
Consulting Producers: Wayne Myers, Stephanie Ervin
Photos: Meher Baba at Meher Mount, ©Meher Nazar Publications, Ahmednagar, India; Baba’s Fireplace and the 1985 fire, Sam Ervin
Artwork: Design & Drawings of the Darshan Courtyard, Byron Pinckert
Quotations: Avatar Meher Baba ©Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India; Darwin Shaw, As Only God Can Love: A Lifetime of Companionship with Meher Baba ©Darwin C. Shaw