Sharing Personally Meaningful Meher Baba Quotes - Three Videos
Margaret Magnus
By Margaret Magnus
The video recordings from the three virtual sessions sharing Meher Baba’s quotes are filled with heartwarming stories of Avatar Meher Baba’s Love and Presence in our daily lives.
“What beautiful meetings these are, somehow especially intense” with Meher Baba’s Love “pouring from each person sharing their quote and what it meant to them,” wrote one of the participants. “It is quite amazing, really.”
About His words, Meher Baba said:
"You must understand that whenever Baba gives out words for his lovers to use and read, he attaches a spiritual energy to them — something like an atomic spiritual bomb!
“Then, when one reads those words, even if he does not understand even one word of what he reads, a part of the spiritual energy will be absorbed by that person. And this energy will be very important for that person in his spiritual progress."
These three videos are inspiring and a lovely demonstration of how Avatar Meher Baba constantly touches each of us individually in a way that is meaningful to each person.
Sharing Meaningful Meher Baba Quotes - June 4, 2021. Hosted by Robert Turnage, Meher Mount Director, and Cassandra Bramucci. (Source: Meher Mount and Meher Baba Family - Worldwide.)
Sharing Meaningful Meher Baba Quotes - June 11, 2021. Hosted by Ellen Kwiatkowski, Meher Mount Manager/Caretaker, and Cassandra Bramucci. (Source: Meher Mount and Meher Baba Family - Worldwide.)
Sharing Meaningful Meher Baba Quotes, May 28, 2021. Hosted by Margaret Magnus, Meher Mount Communications Director, and Cassandra Bramucci. (Source: Meher Mount and Meher Baba Family - Worldwide.)
The quotes shared in these meetings were sent to Meher Mount to be part of the Darshan Courtyard foundation in the form of dhuni ashes.
The courtyard — next to Baba’s Fireplace — is to be an intimate space that evokes the atmosphere of the ‘Baba Room’ where Meher Baba gave darshan (His blessing) to His followers in 1956.
It is a place where visitors can sit, reflect, meditate, take in the views, enjoy the outdoors, and remember the Divine.
Each quotation — and the name of the person who sent it — was read aloud and offered at a special Darshan Dhuni at Meher Mount on Saturday, June 12, 2021.
The three virtual sharings — May 28, June 4 and June 11, 2021 — were jointly hosted by Meher Mount and Meher Baba Family - Worldwide. These recordings are an opportunity for everyone to be inspired by the words of Meher Baba.
Bhau Kalchuri, Lord Meher: The Biography of the Avatar of the Age Meher Baba, Online Edition, pg. 5100, accessed June 16, 2021. (c)Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.