“The silence was so intense… It filled me completely.”
Agnes Montano
By Agnes Montano
Throughout the pandemic, Meher Mount has remained accessible to guests as a beacon of calm, as a place of refuge, and as a way to connect to Avatar Meher Baba and His gift of love.
ABOVE THE CLOUDS - The view from Avatar’s Point at Meher Mount with the Pacific Ocean and the Channel Islands in the background. (Photo: Juan Mendez, August 2020)
“The silence was so intense… It filled me completely.”
A young couple from nearby Santa Barbara was attending a meditation class in Ojai when someone mentioned Meher Baba and Meher Mount to them. They felt an instant urge to visit.
From the moment they arrived, they started asking questions about Meher Baba and Meher Mount. They went out to Baba’s Tree and stayed there for about an hour.
When they returned, the young man said he had felt profound silence while he was at the tree.
We told him it was remarkable that he would mention the silence, because Meher Baba was silent for 44 years.
When they heard about Meher Baba’s silence, they were deeply moved. The man’s eyes watered, and he placed his hands over his heart.
When he was able to speak, he said that he had been wishing for a peaceful moment but that he had found so much more at Baba’s Tree. “The silence I felt,” he said, “was so intense I thought that I couldn’t handle it. It filled me completely.”
He said he had heard of Meher Baba in India, but he never had any interest in learning about Him until his visit to Meher Mount. He was given pamphlets and “Don’t worry, be happy” Meher Baba cards.
The man, pointing to a photo of Meher Baba, kept telling his companion “look at His face!” We could see a sparkle in her eyes as she nodded in agreement.