My Last Goodbye to Agnes Baron
Larry Pesta
By Larry Pesta
AGNES BARON with Larry Pesta at Meher Mount in the mid-1980s. (Photo: Bing Heckman)
I had an experience with Agnes Baron (1907-1994) once that gave me a great sense of validation. Evidently, I needed it. It happened just after visiting her for the very last time.
When I heard she was bedridden, I flew down to Los Angeles from San Francisco, rented a car, and drove up to Ojai to visit her. I spent nearly two hours with her and said my last goodbye.
When I exited her mobile home (which had been established after the 1985 fire), one of her caretakers at the time met me at the door and nicely escorted me to my car.
He said, “I don’t know who you are, but I think it is important for you to know that your visit caused quite a stir here today. Agnes barked orders all day long to make sure everything was perfect for your visit. I am only telling you this because you should know how much she values her relationship with you.”
It’s nice to know that I was loved by the “Witch of Sulfur Mountain.”
LARRY PESTA and Agnes Baron at Meher Mount in the mid-1980s. (Photo: Bing Heckman)
Agnes Baron (1907-1994) was a co-founder and caretaker of Meher Mount from 1946 until her death in 1994.