How Agnes Baron Captured My Heart
Meher Mount
By Dorothy Hartmann
I can hear Agni's voice in my mind's ear because she drummed it into me so often when I lived with her at Meher Mount: what Agnes Baron did, she did for Meher Baba alone. And that, in the scheme of things, was all that mattered.
She didn't want anyone to talk about what she did or write about her while she was alive. She said she was no saint. Meher Baba was all that mattered.
That's how she captured my heart, as humble dust at the Master's feet.
AGNES BARON (1907-1994) at Meher Mount, probably sometime in the 1970s.
Agnes Baron (1907-1994) was a co-founder and caretaker of Meher Mount from 1946 until her death in 1994.
Dorothy Hartmann lived at Meher Mount from July 1990-November 1990. After that she did intermittent care taking, living there for three months in 1998.