"The people of this world are like the three butterflies..."
Meher Mount
Your Friday photo is honor of National Learn About Butterflies Day…
This photo of a butterfly at Meher Mount was taken by guest caretaker Juan Mendez; Margaret Magnus suggested the poem by Rumi.
“The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle’s flame.
The first one went closer and said: I know about love.
The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said: I know how love’s fire can burn.
The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.
He alone knows what true love is.”
Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī, also known as Rumi, was a 13th century poet and Islamic scholar who was born in Afghanistan and wrote poetry in multiple languages, particularly Farsi.
Avatar Meher Baba enjoyed listening to Rumi's poetry and praised him as one of the greatest minds of all mystical and spiritual literature. This poem in particular talks about Divine love.