9902 Sulphur Mountain Road
Ojai, CA 93023-9375

Phone: 805-640-0000


Wednesday-Sunday: Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Monday & Tuesday: Closed


Buzz & Ginger Glasky


Sam Ervin, Preident
Ron Holsey, Vice President
Ursula Reinhart, Treasurer
Jim Whitson, Director
Richard Mannis, Director


Margaret Magnus, Secretary

9902 Sulphur Mountain Rd
Ojai, CA, 93023
United States

(805) 640-0000

Photo Friday Blog

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"It was a beautiful and serene moment."

Meher Mount

Your Friday photo…

Board vice president Ron Holsey had the opportunity to be a temporary caretaker last summer. Here’s how he spent one evening.

It was a beautiful and serene moment.
— Ron Holsey, Temporary Caretaker

One of my favorite things about being a guest caretaker at Meher Mount is the stillness and the quietude that comes at nightfall.

The sun had just gone down, and I decided to walk out to Baba's Tree and Avatar's Point to experience the stillness.

When I looked back toward the Visitor Center, I saw the moon as a thin sliver in the night sky. It was a beautiful and serene moment.

~Ron Holsey, Board Vice President & Temporary Caretaker

"...there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi

Ray Johnston

This week’s Friday photo…

The viewpoint is from Avatar's Point overlooking what is known as the Prasad Orchard. The Pacific Ocean is in the background. The photo was taken by Caretaker Ray Johnston who created the heart in the field and selected the following Rumi poem.

AVATAR’S POINT at Meher Mount. (Photo: (c) Ray Johnston)

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn’t make any sense.
— Rumi

Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī, also known as Rumi, was a 13th century poet and Islamic scholar who was born in Afghanistan and wrote poetry in multiple languages, particularly Farsi.

Avatar Meher Baba enjoyed listening to Rumi's poetry and praised him as one of the greatest minds of all mystical and spiritual literature. This poem in particular talks about Divine love.