A Thanksgiving Day Filled with Gratitude
Cassandra Bramucci
The following is from an email, sent just days prior to Cassandra Bramucci’s move to Myrtle Beach, SC. She describes her last temporary caretaking moments at Thanksgiving 2021 when Caretakers Ellen Kwiatkowski and Eric Carlson were away visiting family. She also lived at Meher Mount as an interim caretaker immediately following the 2017 Thomas Fire.
By Cassandra Bramucci
Thanksgiving Day Alone with the Wildlife
As I arrive at the gate at Meher Mount, I see a covey of chubby quail having their Thanksgiving dinner in the parking lot. Typical. I’m always greeted by some form of wildlife when I arrive here.
ACORN WOODPECKERS take advantage of a quiet moment at Meher Mount. (Photo: Juan Mendez)
Sure enough, as I pull up to the front of the Visitor Center, there is a three-point buck and two yearling deer feasting on one of Ellen’s potted plants near the fountain. Don’t tell her. I didn’t chase them away because, well, it is Thanksgiving.
Meher Mount is closed for the holiday. I have the place entirely to myself.
How many times have I come here over the past four and a half years? I couldn’t begin to calculate. In a few days, I will let go.
For now, I must savor each moment. The panoramic views that only the human eye can perceive, the trees sculpted by unseen forces, rocks that sing their sweetness into the cooling earth. And the feeling of Meher Baba’s presence everywhere.
A RAINBOW seen from Avatar’s Point at Meher Mount. (Photo: Buzz Glasky)
The Visitors Return on Friday
I am always tempted to encourage visitors to sit under the great coast live oak across from the fountain when they first arrive. Just to take it all in. There is so much here that can be easily missed in the rush of blessings.
In three groups, visitors arrive and I feel so much joy in greeting them. All three have the same basic tale, interestingly: for all three the husband came here once himself, told his family about it, and promised to bring them here one day.
Fortunately for me, today is that day. I get chills over how happy they seem to be here.
Off they go to Baba’s Tree and Avatar’s Point. No one takes my offer of the Adirondack chairs that now call my name for respite. To me, this spot is magical. I feel an enchanting energy flowing down from Baba’s Tree.
This energy fills the whole area around the fountain and drifts across the driveway onto the west-facing veranda where I sat for hours with a dear friend in August of 2018.
It was a few days before the anniversary sahavas [of Meher Baba’s 1956 visit], and a few weeks before I completed my tenure here as interim caretaker following the Thomas Fire and prepared to move on.
I can’t remember now why later I came back after traveling across the country for a few months. Perhaps because Meher Mount was still looking for caretakers at the time and I wanted to help out. Or maybe I just missed my friends.
A Feeling of Gratitude
THE BIRDS and other wildlife take advantage of the opportunity to be at the water fountain at Meher Mount. (Photo: Eric Carlson)
Now I sit here by the fountain and let myself feel such gratitude for my time here, for all of the indelible memories I will carry with me, and most of all, for all of the amazing and dedicated people who care for this place of pilgrimage.
I think one day people will come here in droves. The newly paved Sulphur Mountain Road leading to Meher Mount may “last twenty years” as Ventura County predicts, but that is only a fraction of the work it will take to prepare for Meher Mount’s future.
I trust that Meher Baba will provide through His lovers all that is needed to sustain the blessings awaiting all of us here until His next Advent.
I know I will be back then. If not sooner.
Much love to all, and 'happy trails' to me!
Jai Baba!