Creator of Life-Giving Water - 101 Names of God
Margaret Magnus
By Margaret Magnus
To rejoice in finding a source of clean, drinkable water at Meher Mount and to celebrate water in all its meanings and uses, artist Will David created a special painting in honor of this milestone.
This painting represents the 69th name of the 101 Names of God — “Creator of Life-Giving Water.”
“CREATOR OF LIFE GIVING WATER” by Will David is inspired by the 101 Names of God. (Gift of the Artist, 2023)
In the Avesta, the sacred book of Zoroastrianism, the 101 Names of God are given as a prayer.
"If you repeat this prayer with love, no other prayer remains to be said,” Meher Baba said. “Anyone can repeat these names with love, irrespective of the religion he belongs to.”
Eruch Jessawala, Meher Baba’s close disciple, related that during one period, he was asked to recite the 101 Names of God. "We used to recite them without knowing the meaning behind them, for they are in a dead language of 10,000 years ago.”
Later, Meher Baba translated each one of the names of God and what each name meant, and that translation is now published as the 101 Names of God.
101 Names of God
1. Worthy of Worship
2. All-Powerful
3. All-Knowing
4. Lord of All
5. Without Beginning
6. Without End
7. Root of Creation
8. Endless Bliss
9. Primal Cause
10. Exalted one
11. Purest of the Pure
12. Detached from All
13. In Touch with All
14. Unattainable
15. Attainer of All
16. Most Righteous
17. Upholder of All
18. Beyond Reason
19. Sovereign Reason
20. Bountiful One
21. Ever-Prolific
22. Reaching Equally to All
23. Nourisher
24. Protector of the World
25. Never-Changing
26. Formless
27. Most Steadfast Among the Steadfast
28. Lord Invisible
29. All-Pervading
30. All-in-All
31. Worthy of Our Profound Thanks
32. All-Embracing Goodness
33. All-Embracing Holy Light
34. Remover of Affliction
35. Beyond Affliction
36. Immortal
37. Fulfiller of Holy Desires
38. Creator of Holy Attributes
39. Compassionate Judge
40. Merciful Giver
41. Bountiful Giver
42. Unconquerable
43. Freest of the Free
44. Deliverer from Evil
45. Never Deceiving
46. Never Deceived
47. One Without a Second
48. Lord of Desire
49. Decreer of Sovereign Desire
50. Soul Supreme
51. Never-Forgetting
52. Just Accountant
53. Knowing All Things
54. Fearless
55. Devoid of Pain
56. Most Exalted One
57. Ever the Same
58. Invisible Creator of the Universe
59. Creator of the Profoundly Spiritual
60. Hidden within the Spirit
61. Transmuter of Fire into Air
62. Transmuter of Fire into Dew
63. Transmuter of Air into Fire
64. Transmuter of Air into Dew
65. Transmuter of Air into Earth
66. Supreme Transmuter of Air into Dust
67. Supreme Transmuter of Fire into Divine Sparks
68. Spreading Air Everywhere
69. Creator of Life-giving Water
70. Transmuter of Dust into Fire
71. Transmuter of Dust into Air
72. Transmuter of Dust into Water
73. Master Craftsman
74. Rewarder of Sincere Desires
75. Creator of All Humanity and Its Actions
76. Creator of All Human and Animal Life
77. Creator of All Four Elements
78. Creator of All the Planets and All Other Worlds
79. Never in Doubt
80. Ageless
81. Eternally Awake
82. Ever-Alert
83. Ever-Protecting
84. Recorder of Man’s Actions
85. Victorious
86. Lord of the Universe
87. Lord of Life and Wisdom
88. Preserver of Creation
89. Renewer of Creation
90. Embracing All Creation
91. Giver of All Things
92. Infinitely Patient
93. Lord of Existence
94. Forgiver of Sins
95. Divine Creator
96. Rayed in Glory
97. Haloed in Light
98. Lord of Justice
99. Lord of Just Rewards
100. Liberator
101. Awakener of Eternal Spring
About the Painting
Will David remembers going to Meher Mount in 1970 with his mom, Virginia David. “I was pointing at Topa Topa [Bluffs] and the pink hour. So that’s in the painting with a rainy cloud for the Upper Ojai Valley. Baba’s Tree is there, too, with the Santa Paula Valley beyond, with of course, rain clouds. There’s a bit of Meher Baba there, what with the oil underground.
“It’s like I am there. Happy celebration for a new, deep well and drinkable water!”
More Information on the Artist
Meher Baba, 101 Names of God. ©Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.
Bhau Kalchuri, Lord Meher: The Biography of the Avatar of the Age Meher Baba, Online Edition, pg. 4959, accessed December 15, 2022. ©Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.
Thank you to Will David for the gift of this painting, “Creator of Life Giving Water,” in celebration of the new well and finding drinkable water at Meher Mount.
Thank you to Miriam Rose for suggesting the 101 Names of God — Creator of Life-Giving Water for the “The Divine Gift of Water” film and event celebrating the new well and finding drinkable water at Meher Mount.