"What a Precious and Blessed Six Weeks!"
Agnes Montano
Agnes Montano and Juan Mendez were temporary caretakers at Meher Mount in the Summer of 2020. Agnes’ sister, Joanitt Montano, joined them during part of that time to also volunteer at Meher Mount. Just after finishing their tour of duty, Agnes and Juan wrote this note to Sam Ervin, board president, and Margaret Magnus, communications director, on September 18, 2020:
JUAN MENDEZ at Avatar’s Point with his camera always at hand to take and share wonderful photos of Meher Mount. (Photo: Agnes Montano, August 2020)
Dear Sam and Margaret,
We left Meher Mount with heavy hearts, but also rejoiced with the wonderful gift Meher Baba gave us of being able to stay and work in this blessed place where His fragrance is so palpable. It is His gift.
SUNSET on the veranda of the Visitor Center/Caretaker Quarters at Meher Mount with Baba’s Fireplace in the background. (Photo: Juan Mendez, August 2020)
We miss the splendorous sunrises and sunsets, the sight of the mule deer that come every day to quench their thirst in the pond, the rhythmic sound of the woodpeckers as they laboriously chip on the trees and store acorns for winter, the swift walk of the covey of quail as they noisily walk down Baba’s Path every morning, the colorful blue jays as they bathe in the pond, the hum of the hummingbirds’ wings, the industrious squirrels as they freeze in standing poses to try to fool the raptors that hover above, the soft coo of the doves, the soothing beat of the hoot of the owls, the melodious crickets that fill the night, and even the harsh caw of the ravens.
A MULE DEER coming to drink from the water fountain and pond at Meher Mount. (Photo: Juan Mendez, August 2020)
We miss the sound of the gravel as we walk towards Baba’s Tree, so reminiscent of the path to Meher Baba’s Samadhi. And once there, there’s that comforting silence interrupted only by the gentle rustle of the wind as it passes through Baba’s Tree.
In my case, I even miss mundane things like the clothesline, the crisp laundry toasted by the sun, the smell of sulphur in the pool, the “crocodile” skin you feel from the low humidity, and the thin layer of dust that clings to you on those dusty and hot summer days.
ON THE WAY to Baba’s Tree (left) are Agnes Montano (right) and her sister Joanitt Montano who also stayed and volunteered at Meher Mount for several weeks. (Photo: Juan Mendez, August 2020)
We did face challenges, but what caretaker hasn’t? It is Meher Baba’s way of reminding us that it all comes down to love, obedience and surrender. Those tests also prompt us to remember the efforts of everyone that’s involved in the preservation and care of Meher Mount, especially the heroics of [co-founder and lifetime caretaker] Agnes Baron who set such a high bar to follow.
We know from experience that the memories of the challenges fade away soon; the ones that come from the beautiful experiences at Meher Mount never do. We would do it all again in a heartbeat.
What a precious and blessed six weeks! Thank you!
In His Eternal Love,
Agnes and Juan
A WOODPECKER at the bird bath at Meher Mount. (Photo: Juan Mendez, August 2020)