"How is it that you [Meher Baba] get born?"
Meher Mount
In January 1965, Avatar Meher Baba’s niece, Shireen Irani (now Bonner) traveled from London with her father, Adi S. Irani (who was Meher Baba’s brother and known as Adi Jr.), and her mother Franey to Meherazad, India, for Meher Baba’s darshan (His blessing).
SHIREEN IRANI BONNER (center) in India with the women mandali (close disciples of Meher Baba) and her mother. From left to right, Mehera J. Irani, Rano Gayley, Franey Irani (Shireen’s mother), Meheru R. Irani and Mani S. Irani (Meher Baba’s sister). (Source: Shireen Bonner)
At that time, Shireen was seven years old, and according to accounts in Lord Meher, was quite intelligent and precocious.
Which Is Higher?
When Shireen told a friend at school in London that she was leaving for India to meet God, they thought up a question together to ask God: "’Which is higher: the stars, the Sun, the Moon or the clouds?’"
She asked that question when she was with Meher Baba, who smiled and answered, "’I am. I am the Highest of the High.’"
AVATAR MEHER BABA in Meherabad, India, in 1954. Meher Baba was born February 25, 1894 in Pune, India. (Source: (c)Meher Nazar Publications. Used with permission.)
At another time during that visit, Shireen noted, “’Baba, you are God.’”
Meher Baba smiled and gestured, "’Yes, I am God, and God is everywhere and in everyone,’” pointing to each of the mandali (close disciples) sitting before Him.
Shireen turned to whisper something to one of the men sitting near her, but Meher Baba motioned to her to speak freely.
"’I just had a thought, Baba. If God is everywhere and in everyone, then [pointing at Baba] who is that sitting in the chair?’" she asked.
"’God in human form,’ Meher Baba replied. ‘God is everywhere indeed, but can you see Him in everything? Can you feel Him in everyone you meet? You certainly do not. So I — God — have assumed this form of man to tell you and awaken you all to the fact that God is everywhere and in everyone and in everything. I am the God-Man.’"
How Is It You Get Born?
"’Baba, I know we are born again and again, but you are God; so how is it that you get born?’" Shireen asked.
Meher Baba replied, "’Once in a while, God takes birth because of His love for His creation. I am born in human form so that you may see me as you are, and if you are fortunate to know me and love me, then some day you will see me as I really am,’" Meher Baba answered.
MEHER BABA as a young boy, circa 1911, in a photo of the St. Vincent’s High School cricket team in Pune, India. Photographer: F.B. Dinshaw (Source: (c)Meher Nazar Publications. Used with permission.)
Bhau Kalchuri, Lord Meher: The Biography of the Avatar of the Age Meher Baba, Online Edition, pp. 5110-5111, accessed February 20, 2024. (c)Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India.