Agnes Baron Meets Meher Baba for the First Time
Wayne Myers
Early on the morning of April 20, 1952, Meher Baba’s plane landed in New York. Elizabeth Patterson, a co-founder of the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, met Meher Baba and His party, and they proceeded by train to South Carolina.
Darwin Shaw, a follower of Meher Baba who had worked on the Meher Spiritual Center wrote, “Meher Baba’s arrival in America in April 1952 occurred without fanfare or publicity of any kind. That was the way Baba wanted it. Nevertheless, this was an event of tremendous significance and historic importance. It is hard to believe that the Christ and a group of his close disciples could and did quietly slip into America without public recognition and acclaim.” [1]
Agnes Baron Returns from War-Torn Europe “Extremely Bitter”
By 1952, when Meher Baba was coming to America and to Meher Mount, the care and responsibility for Meher Mount had already fallen to Agnes Baron for some years. Agnes had never met Meher Baba nor considered herself a follower, yet Meher Baba called her His “watchdog” with His trust and blessings.
AGNES BARON in her senior photo from Antioch College, 1928. (Photo: Antioch Yearbook)
From the midst of an adventurous career in the 1930s as a correspondent for prominent news agencies in Europe, Agnes saw the rise of World War II (1939-1945) and witnessed persecution and much suffering.
She went to Portugal to help refugees, but as the war came closer, she finally had to return to the United States. She was deeply depressed over the appalling treatment of people and lack of compassion she had witnessed. [2]
Agnes described her state as “extremely bitter” with “hatred toward humanity.” [3]
In California, she found inspiration and meaning through studying Vedanta but left a Vedanta group after two years, accusing the swami of being a hypocrite and fallen yogi. [4]
Agnes Professed No Interest in Meher Baba
In search of a quiet place to live and do some writing, she heard of a center in La Crescenta, CA, where she met Jean Adriel and Alexander Markey, disciples of Meher Baba. Agnes professed no interest in Meher Baba. But she was invited to live in a cottage there, and she decided to stay.
Jean asked Agnes to edit her book entitled Avatar. While Agnes found much of the writing too sentimental for her taste, she was nevertheless “impressed by the central subject, Meher Baba.” However, Agnes swore to herself “not to be taken in.” [5],[6]
In 1946, Meher Baba directed Jean and Alexander to sell the La Crescenta property, known as the New Life Foundation, and search for a new location one to two hours away from the city. One afternoon, they were motoring up to the Ojai Valley and they invited Agnes along for the ride.
Agnes was the one who spotted a curious stand of trees atop Sulphur Mountain and insisted they investigate. When Agnes jumped the fence to explore the property that would become Meher Mount, she had crossed the threshold to her destiny in work and service for the rest of her life. [7]
“What are you doing? You don’t know that guy.”
AGNES BARON (left) working in the garden at Meher Mount. The farmhouse/garage is in the background where the Workshop now stands. (Photo: Meher Mount Archives, circa late 1940s)
Jean and Alexander purchased the property, and Agnes, still uncertain about Meher Baba, moved in with the group. [8] Agnes tells more in her own words:
“So, I learned how to prune fruit trees, how to run a tractor, I did all that stuff that I didn't know before. And after one year, (Jean)…decided to go to India. And then she made everybody else leave. There were about 10 people (here), and (she) made them all leave and wanted me to stay. I said, 'I'm not interested in your Baba, why should I stay?’"
“(Jean said) 'I want you to stay until I find out what Baba wants.' So finally, it ended up with her going away, (and) my staying on. I was (here) alone, keeping the place alone. For six years I stayed (here) and I slaved like a fool…I had to pay the mortgage. Then all I had for income was a patch of strawberries that were left over, and I would go down and peddle them from door to door in Ojai, and they were very sweet.
“So, I'd bribe people: ‘You try one and don't put sugar on them' and they'd say, 'oh we can buy them cheaper in the stores.' Then later on I'd be walking and hear 'Hey lady with the strawberries! Come on! We want those that are so sweet.' I lived on selling strawberries from door to door. I still don't know how I did it but it was sort of a challenge. It was just kind of fun.
“I hadn't met (Meher Baba). I read his things and I liked him, but I had been disillusioned so many times, I wasn't going to get caught again. I (was) going to wait until I met him. So year after year, (Baba would) say he was coming, was coming, and he never came. Finally in '52, he's coming…to stay for two weeks at Meher Mount.
“But all these six years, I had these...people (and)...professors, come up. Some (were) going to write a book. And somebody would say 'What are you doing? You don't know that guy. What are staying with him for?' I said, 'I don't know.' I did not know.” [9]
Agnes faced one difficulty after another at Meher Mount. Before leaving Meher Mount for India, Jean Adriel formed a new board and introduced a man onto the board who offered to pay off the mortgage. Later Agnes discovered that he had plans to build a hotel and turn the property into a psychic center. [10]
Agnes fought hard to keep the property for Meher Baba and wrote to Him describing the troublesome situation, stating, “’If you want Meher Mount, I will keep it for you through hell, fire and damnation!’” Meher Baba replied that she should keep it by all means, and he sent her his love. [11]
“Agnes had great respect for Margaret, and it was their discussions about Baba that really touched her.”
AGNES BARON and Margaret Craske cutting weeds at Meher Mount as part of the annual clearance for fire prevention. (Photo: Meher Mount Archives, circa late 1940s)
One of Meher Baba’s close Western disciples, Margaret Craske, was a final link for Agnes. [11] In England, Margaret had been a professional dancer and ballet teacher. She was one of a small group of Westerners Baba had called in the 1930s to his ashram in India. She stayed for 10 years.
In 1946, Baba suddenly informed her she must return to the West. She thought she was going home to England. Margaret recalled what happened next:
“I was miserably packing my few belongings ready for the trip…just then who should come into the room but Baba Himself…Baba was kind and gentle with me. He told me that He wished me as soon as possible to go to America. I was startled…Baba..then spelled out on His alphabet board, ‘You must go; I have made you my link in America.’
“This made no sense to me….Well, I came to America, and during the first two years here my job touring with American Ballet Theater took me to small towns and large cities…In a great many of these cities people who had heard of or loved Baba would look me up and ask questions about His doings and life in India. This was my first real experience of linkage.” [13]
Margaret Craske had heard of Agnes Baron and Meher Mount. During a ballet tour that was coming to Los Angeles, Margaret wrote to Agnes in advance and invited her to a performance. Agnes went and, afterwards at Margaret’s hotel, they spent hours talking into the night. Margaret told Agnes many stories about Meher Baba. [14]
Then, Margaret visited Meher Mount during the summers and told Agnes more about Meher Baba. [15] “Agnes had great respect for Margaret, and it was their discussions about Baba that really touched her,“ according to Bing Heckman and others who heard Agnes’ stories over the years. [16]
“It was only by sheer chance…”
Then in 1952, Meher Baba was scheduled to come to Meher Mount. He was to travel by automobile from the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, across the U.S. to Meher Mount in Ojai, CA.
While at the Meher Spiritual Center, Meher Baba wished to see “Agni” – His Sanskrit nickname for Agnes, meaning “fire” – to discuss plans for His visit. Margaret Craske had informed her of Meher Baba's arrival date in Myrtle Beach. When Meher Baba arrived, He instructed Margaret to cable Agnes to see Him in Myrtle Beach on April 26, 1952. [17]
But Agnes never received the telegram, knowing nothing of her appointment with Meher Baba. On her own accord, she had already departed Meher Mount to drive across the country. Along the way, she encountered inexplicable delays and reached Myrtle Beach the very night before Meher Baba wished to see her. [18]
Once in Myrtle Beach, she asked around about a Meher Baba center, not knowing where it was located. “It was only by sheer chance that at the place where she was arranging to spend the night, the woman on duty said her husband was Mrs. [Elizabeth] Patterson’s architect,” according to accounts. [19]
Agnes got the telephone number for the Center and talked to Elizabeth Patterson who told Agnes she would pick her up the following morning, April 26, 1952 – the day Meher Baba had originally designated for His meeting with Agnes Baron.
“The love just poured out of him.”
AVATAR MEHER BABA and Agnes Baron at Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, SC, in 1956. (Photo: (c) Meher Nazar Publications. Used with permission.)
The next morning, Agnes was taken to the Center, where she learned that despite not receiving Meher Baba’s telegram, she was not late, but right on time. She was shown to the Lagoon Cabin at the Center where Meher Baba was already waiting. [20]
Agnes recounts her first moments with Meher Baba:
“There are no words to describe it. It was so fantastic. All my doubts just flew out the window. The first thing Baba did was to open his arms and put my head on his shoulders. Something out of this world happens to you when Baba puts his arms around you. It's indescribable. What I saw sitting on the couch and what I felt was sitting on the couch were two different things. Without any more rationalizing, I accepted him one hundred percent. [21]
“The love just poured out of him. His vibrations were like a hummingbird…you couldn't see the vibrations, but you knew the vibrating. You felt that in Baba...his eyes were so full of compassion, just utterly irresistible…. I was hooked…that was it. I didn't care about obedience. I didn't give a damn about anything like that. He was utterly irresistible.” [22]
“Afterwards, I was consciously watching him to see if he was going to make any mistakes, but deep down I had already accepted him.” [23]
“I realized later on, watching him over the years, that Baba practiced what all the great teachers preached: you must be one-pointed. Forget the past and the future and be concentrated in the present.
“I realized that Baba practiced that to the hundredth degree. No matter what he was doing – whether he was patting a dog or giving spiritual advice or saving the universe – whatever he did, he did with the same concentration. It was absolutely fantastic! When he was talking to you, you felt that same concentration. That to me was proof of his greatness, regardless of anything else.” [24]
“So, the whole time in His presence, all my problems meant nothing.”
AVATAR MEHER BABA at the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, 1952.
During their meeting, Meher Baba stated, “’First of all, I want Agni to know that only Agni, God and Baba know what she has gone through in these six years to hold Meher Mount for me.’” [25]
Agnes looked at Him in surprise and said, "’It was no trouble, Baba, no trouble at all.’" She had completely forgotten all her problems in His presence. [26]
“And I didn’t tell him anything. I said ‘Trouble! What do you mean Baba?’ And here I had been dying of anxiety, and when Baba said ‘trouble’ I thought, ‘well, how silly, I didn’t have any trouble.’ It just completely vanished. It’s a fact. So, the whole time in His presence, all my problems meant nothing. Everything (was) just wiped out.” [27]
Agnes and Meher Baba discussed in detail His plan to stay for 10 days at Meher Mount. He repeatedly told her, “Now do not go to any trouble… I can sleep under the trees or on the floor. Do not go to any trouble." [28]
Agnes responded, “’Trouble!’” she said. “‘I've just been waiting all these years for you to come. Everything has been painted and scrubbed.’" [29]
“He is so big that He dares to be small, and comes down to our level.”
Agnes later recounted: "’Baba's 'bigness' is in his little humble gestures. That is what impressed me more than anything else. Time after time after time, I would see that. It just wins you over completely. He is so big that he dares to be small, and comes down to our level.’" [30]
Dr. William Donkin and Adi K. Irani, two of the men disciples traveling to the West with Meher Baba, were called in and Meher Baba instructed them to drive out ahead to California with Dr. Nilu (Vinayak Nilkantha Godse), Gustadji Hansotia, and Meherjee Kakaria, and once there, to help Agnes prepare for his visit. Agnes reiterated again to Meher Baba that “’Everything has already been done.’" [31]
Nevertheless, Meher Baba had His own reasons and stated that the mandali were to drive straight there from Myrtle Beach, not stopping along the way, and await His arrival. He ordered Agnes to leave the following day and return to Meher Mount, which she did. [32]
Meher Baba never arrived at Meher Mount in 1952. Instead, He encountered an automobile accident in Prague, OK, on May 24, 1952.
The five men mandali, who had driven ahead as ordered by Meher Baba, had arrived at Meher Mount and were awaiting Meher Baba’s arrival when they received word of the accident. They left Meher Mount immediately with four of them driving to Prague, OK, and Dr. Donkin flying to meet Meher Baba. [33]
“I have been here before…”
AVATAR MEHER BABA with Agnes Baron at Meher Mount on August 2, 1956. Eruch Jessawala (left) is holding the umbrella. The man in the striped shirt is Tex Hightower, a professional dancer who studied under Margaret Craske. (Photo: (c) Meher Nazar Publications. Used with permission.)
Four years later in 1956, Meher Baba returned to America and on that trip, He finally visited Meher Mount. When Agnes drove Baba from Los Angeles to Meher Mount that day, the Avatar physically arrived at the planned destination He was never to reach in 1952.
On arriving at Meher Mount, Meher Baba told those present, “’This land is very old, I have had been here before.’” [32] Meher Baba also told them that “‘Next to Myrtle Beach, I love this place best.’” [34]
After visiting Southern California in 1956, Meher Baba also went on to San Francisco with Agnes Baron joining the group on that part of His visit. She was also at Myrtle Beach when Meher Baba visited in 1956 and 1958. [36],[37]
This article was complied and researched by Wayne Myers from existing written, video, and audio sources.
[1] Darwin C. Shaw, As Only God Can Love: A Lifetime of Companionship with Meher Baba, pg. 87. (North Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Foundation) ©2003 by Darwin C. Shaw.
[2] Bing Heckman, “Agnes Baron and Meher Mount,” Meher Baba Center of Northern California Quarterly Newsletter, Fall 1994, Vol. 24, pg. 1. ©Avatar Meher Baba Center of Northern California.
[3]“The Beloved’s Watchdog: Agnes Baron Remembers Her Life with Meher Baba.” Video. (Walnut Creek: Gateway Mediaworks, 1998)
[4] Heckman, op. cit., pg. 1.
[5] Beloved’s Watchdog Video, op.cit.
[6] Heckman, op. cit., pp. 1-2.
[7] Beloved’s Watchdog Video, op.cit.
[8] Heckman, op. cit., pg. 2.
[9] Beloved’s Watchdog Video, op.cit.
[10] Bhau Kalchuri, Lord Meher: The Biography of the Avatar of the Age Meher Baba, Online Edition, pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020. (c) Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.
[11] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020.
[12] Heckman, op. cit., pg. 2.
[13] Margaret Craske, Still Dancing with Love: More Stories of Life with Meher Baba, pp. 99-100. (North Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Foundation) (c) 1990 by Sheriar Press, Inc.
[14] Beloved’s Watchdog Video, op.cit.
[15] Kalchuri, op.cit., pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020.
[16] Heckman, op. cit., pg. 2.
[17] Kalchuri, op.cit., pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020.
[18] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020.
[19] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3047, accessed May 3, 2020.
[20] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[21] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[22] Beloved’s Watchdog Video, op.cit.
[23] Kalchuri, op.cit., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[24] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[25] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[26] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3048, accessed May 3, 2020.
[27] “Meeting Baba in 1952: Talks by Agnes Baron,” Mandali Hall Talks, Audio. Accessed March 10, 2012.
[28] Kalchuri, op.cit., pg. 3049, accessed May 3, 2020.
[29] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3049, accessed May 3, 2020.
[30] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3049, accessed May 3, 2020.
[31] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3049, accessed May 3, 2020.
[32] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 3049, accessed May 3, 2020.
[33] Wayne Myers, “Meher Baba Sheds His Blood in America,” March 23, 2017, Meher Mount website, accessed May 3, 2020. (c) Meher Mount Corporation.
[34] Kalchuri, op.cit., pg. 4065, accessed May 3, 2020.
[35] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 4065, accessed May 3, 2020.
[36] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 4019, accessed May 3, 2020.
[37] Kalchuri, ibid., pg. 4358, accessed May 3, 2020.
The Agnes Baron Endowment for Meher Mount
In honor of co-founder Agnes Baron, Meher Mount has set up an endowment to sustain Meher Mount far into the future, even 700 years and beyond. The endowment helps assure Meher Mount’s continued operation and accessibility to all.
This endowment honors Meher Mount’s co-founder and lifetime caretaker, Agnes Baron, for her steadfastness in holding on to Meher Mount for almost 50 years and for her life of selfless service.
Her tenacity and dedication serve as an inspiration to all. We honor her legacy by building an endowment so that Meher Mount does not have to face the mercurial financial situations Agnes encountered.
Related Information: The Agnes Baron Endowment for Meher Mount