Baba's Tree Ashes - A Keepsake and a Connection
Margaret Magnus
By Margaret Magnus
After the Thomas Fire struck Meher Mount on December 4, 2017, help in the form of time, energy and donations, began trickling in and then streaming in.
It was inspiring for all who were on the ground, day-to-day, to feel the love and caring from around the world. The support made recovery and regeneration, practically and energetically, possible for Meher Mount.
A Way to Thank Everyone
In spring 2018, it was suggested by Cassandra Bramucci that Meher Mount find a way to thank all the donors and volunteers. She thought sending a keepsake with the ashes from Baba’s Tree would be appropriate.
KEEPSAKES VIALS of ash from Baba's Tree are a thank you to all donors and volunteers supporting Meher Mount in the year of the Thomas Fire. (Photo: Margaret Magnus, May 9, 2018)
Cassandra filled more than 300 vials with the ashes of Baba’s Tree that had been carefully collected just weeks after the fire. Nancy Pinckert designed the packaging, and Margaret Magnus assembled and mailed the thank you keepsakes. Anonymous donors stepped in to help with the costs. The keepsake packages were mailed or delivered in late May 2018.
The following note was included in the keepsake package.
“Please accept this keepsake of ashes from the very heart of Baba’s Tree as an expression of our deep appreciation for your support, encouragement, and contribution of time, money and energy during this time of challenge and transformation for Meher Mount.
Although the Thomas Fire of December 2017 destroyed a major portion of the canopy of our cherished Baba’s Tree, every day there is new growth along its remaining branches reminding all of Avatar Meher Baba’s limitless Divine Presence.
May these ashes always remind you of your connection to Meher Baba and to Meher Mount.
In His Boundless Love
and Compassion,”
Many Are Touched
In response, there were a number of thank-you acknowledgements for the keepsake. "Thank you so much for the ashes from Baba's Tree. What a moving tribute to the immutable essence that is Love!"- SB
Another wrote, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness that touched my heart." - SD
Many were particularly touched by the ashes from Baba's Tree:
“Thank you!! I am profoundly moved to have the ashes of Baba’s Tree sent to me. As a magnificent blessing. Opening it, I burst into tears and dropped to my knees to feel Baba’s presence. His tree has long been a precious connection to me, always touching a deep and sacred part of myself and bringing me into awareness of His closeness. I’m honored and humbled and immensely grateful for this gift. I can’t really express how meaningful the ashes are to me or how much I will treasure them. In gratitude, love and light.”
Others responded to say the ashes were now a treasured part of their Meher Baba keepsakes:
“Thank you so much for the gift of Baba’s Tree Ash, I have put it in a very special place with my other Baba reminders. What a terrific idea you came up with to keep the tree alive in a different way and through so many people. I was truly moved when I opened the box and found the contents and beautiful accompanying note.”
An Ongoing Connection
Others noted the ongoing connection to Meher Baba and Baba's Tree. "Thank you so much for the beautiful gift. I’ve always loved being under Baba’s tree and enjoying the energy. Now I can enjoy that energy anywhere I go! I am honored and very happy to receive this lovely gift." – BS
“We are extremely delighted to have this wonderful keepsake in our home. It is a nice reminder of Meher Mount which we have had the opportunity to visit on several occasions. It also serves to remind us of our Beloved Meher Baba whose compassion and generosity sweetens our days and inspires us all the more.”
SITE WHERE ASHES from Baba's Tree at Meher Mount were collected by Cassandra Bramucci and Margaret Magnus. (Photo: Margaret Magnus, December 21, 2017)