Mehera's Message at the First Amartithi
Meher Mount
AVATAR MEHER BABA with His closest woman disciple, Mehera J. Irani. He said she was the purest soul in the universe. (Painting: Charcoal and Watercolor by Diana Le Page, 2013)
Amartithi - or Eternal Day - marks the day, January 31, 1969, when Avatar Meher Baba dropped His physical form. Tens of thousands of pilgrims gather in Meherabad, India, at His Samadhi (tomb shrine) and elsewhere around the world to commemorate this event.
Mehera J. Irani was his closest woman disciple whom Meher Baba described as the purest soul in the universe. Meher Baba said she loved Him as He ought to be loved.
At the first Amartithi in 1970, approximately 1,700 of His lovers gathered on Meherabad Hill. Mehera, fighting back the tears, read out this message.
“O Beloved One, our Beloved Avatar Meher Baba! We, your loving children, have gathered
today at Meherabad to fill our hearts with your love on this most sacred hill on earth where
your Man-Form rests. We have also come to pay our homage to you and to greet you in the
hearts of your lovers. May we be worthy of your very dear love for us. Your compassion is our
strength, which sustains us. Your love is our life – it is yours. May we hold on to your daaman
in complete surrender to your will.
Dear Meher pilgrims! We are all gathered here in love to pay homage to Avatar Meher
Baba, our Divine Beloved who loves us more than we can ever love ourselves. Let us forever say his Jai – not only say it with our lips but live it in our hearts, so that our lives become a living
testimony to his Victory. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!”
daaman - Hem of a garment. As used by Meher Baba, holding on to His daaman implies holding onto Him. Means surrendering; becoming totally dependent upon the Master.
jai (also ki jai) - Hail, victory, glory. Ki is a suffix meaning to or belonging to.
David Fenster, Mehera-Meher: A Divine Romance (Ahmednagar, India: Meher Nazar Publications, 2016 PDF Edition), Volume III, pp. 528. (c)David Fenster. Used by permission.
Frank Davis, compilation, Baba Words - The Master's Glossary, (Edition One, 2000, accessed January 26, 2017)