What Has One Gained in Being with Meher Baba?
Bill Le Page
By Bill Le Page
AVATAR MEHER BABA exiting Meher House in Sydney, Australia. Bill Le Page is standing to the right by the side of house.
Often the question is asked, what has been gained from one’s contact with [the] God-Man, what has one learned from the Lord in His Advent as Meher Baba?
“What can one say? The answer seems to lie within the words of Dr. William Donkin when he was asked that question: "It is not what I have gained, but what I have lost in the form of useless mental baggage."
Reliving such times with Beloved Baba seems to slow down thoughts of knowing this or knowing that, of having achieved this or having achieved that; one is conscious only of Him. The mind is momentarily stilled except for an awareness of Him and of a readiness to obey Him, whatever His wish.
It is at times such as these that one understands a little more when it is said that the spiritual path is one of clearing and starving the mind of all but thoughts of loving and serving Him.
Bill Le Page, The Turning of the Key: Meher Baba in Australia (Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Press, 1993), pp. 133-134. (c)Bill Le Page. Used with permission.