The Audubon Society Goes Bird Watching at Meher Mount
Sam L. Ervin
By Sam Ervin
It was a beautiful day Saturday, April 11, 2009, when Meher Mount hosted two bird watching walks.
THE AUDUBON SOCIETY visits Meher Mount on April 11, 2009, to enjoy bird watching in this semi-wilderness area. (Ray Johnston photo, 2009.)
Manager/Caretakers Ray Johnston and Elizabeth Arnold were extremely prepared as usual. They had worked to make sure the hiking paths were mowed and the roads open.
Uncommon Birds
The first walk, “Uncommon Birds” was early in the morning from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with The Audubon Society of Ventura County leading identifying birds and flora that occur within Meher Mount’s various habitats.
The Audubon Society was most appreciative of the opportunity to be at Meher Mount, to enjoy the views and watch the birds. Several of them also asked about Meher Baba. One of the members was from Berkeley and had carried a card of Meher Baba for years. They liked knowing that the Board supported their visits.
Beginning Birdwatching
Later, Ray Johnston, a former North Carolina State Park Superintendent, led “Beginning Bird Watching” from Noon to 2:00 p.m. He conducted a class for beginning birdwatchers and then led a leisurely hike to identify birds that call Meher Mount home.
The second hike and introduction was fun – probably less bird watching, more learning and more fellowship. Ray had a bird list and gave a talk ranging from how to select binoculars to bird feeding to how to listen to the birds and spotting them.
HAWKS AND VULTURES fly in the sky over Meher Mount. A bird watcher catches these birds in flight. (Sam Ervin photo, 2009.)
The point is – it was an indescribable day. No meetings, no plans, no work – just pure enjoyment of all the views, the greenery, the vistas and the panorama that is Meher Mount. I continue to encourage everyone to take advantage of this special place.