"I am the Divine Beloved worthy of being loved because I am love." - Avatar Meher Baba
Meher Mount
“To love me for what I may give you is not loving Me at all. To sacrifice anything in My cause to gain something for yourself is like a blind man sacrificing his eyes for sight.
I am the Divine Beloved worthy of being loved because I am love. He who loves Me because of this will be blessed with unlimited sight and will see Me as I truly am.”
February 25th marks the birthday of Avatar Meher Baba, born Merwan Sheriar Irani in Poona (now Pune), India on February 25, 1894. Every year on this auspicious day, followers of Meher Baba gather to celebrate His Advent.
This birthday message was given by Meher Baba for His 75th birthday in a family letter dated January 26, 1969, just days before He — the deathless one — dropped His physical form on January 31, 1969.
In preparation for Avatar Meher Baba’s 75th birthday in 1969, His sister Mani S. Irani, who wrote the letters which were later collected and published in 82 Family Letters, sent this to His Western lovers and followers:
“In this happy Birthday season welcoming Meher Year 75… His lovers are [waiting] for the touch that will give life to the fields of their endeavors in loving and serving Him — a message from the Beloved.
“Beloved Baba has given the message. I convey it here; please circulate it among all His lovers in your locality before the 25th of February [1969].”
Mani S. Irani, 82 Family Letters, Letter 80, January 26, 1969, pg. 341. (North Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Press) (c) 1976 Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India.