"...one can no more deal with people without love than one can handle bees without care."
Meher Mount
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Photographer Juan Mendez focused his camera on the flowers at Meher Mount and captured this close-up of a bee.
“The whole trouble lies in that people think that there are conditions excluding the necessity of love in their intercourse with man, but such conditions do not exist. Things may be treated without love; one may chop wood, make bricks, forge iron without love, but one can no more deal with people without love than one can handle bees without care.”
This quote is from Resurrection, a novel by the Russian writer Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), also the author of War and Peace.
Nadia Tolstoy (1884-1946), a close follower of Avatar Meher Baba, was the daughter-in-law of Leo Tolstoy. Nicknamed Nadine by Meher Baba, she was married to Leo’s son Ilya Tolstoy, also an author.
Upon meeting Meher Baba, Ilya asked, “How can one love when there is so much evil in the world?”
“You have to take love into your heart,” Meher Baba responded.
Ilya died a year and half later, and Nadine joined Meher Baba in India to live in the ashram.