"Baba never went wrong in choosing His Watchdog!"
Meher Mount
Your photo Friday is honor of Meher Mount co-founder Agnes Baron’s birthday today…
“In looking for a photo of Agnes (1907-1994) to share on her birthday, I was particularly drawn this one of Agnes (left) with Mansari (Mani Behram Desai) in India in 1982,” noted Sam Ervin, board president.
“It’s such a loving and sweet photo of them together.”
Agnes only visited Meherabad and Meherazad – places of pilgrimage in India for followers of Meher Baba – once for three weeks, but she and Mansari immediately became life-long friends.
“Many years after Agnes Baron went to India, I was visiting with Meherabad resident Jal Dastur and others,” remembered Sam. “The subject of Agnes and her friendship with Mansari came up.
“Jal said, ‘I feel that Meher Baba took the fiery part of Himself from His early days and split it into two parts: Mansari Desai in the East, and Agnes Baron in the West.’”
“Baba never went wrong in choosing His Watch dog! Yes, Sweety, He has chosen you for that! Bravo!
Ideal fit to do His duty for good. With the best in ‘One’, your Eastern partner dog.”
Both women had strong personalities and tender hearts and were profoundly devoted to Meher Baba.
Each lived alone on a hilltop watching over a place of pilgrimage dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba. Agnes was the caretaker for Meher Mount in Ojai, California. Mansari lived in Upper Meherabad, India, caring for Meher Baba’s Tomb Shrine.
They were both known as “watchdogs” — one in the East (Mansari) and one in the West (Agnes).
Agnes and Mansari corresponded until Agnes’ passing in 1994. They wrote one another teasing, loving letters, bonding over their love of dogs.
To Agnes, Mansari wrote:
“My ever dear, respected Agniji, Jai Baba.
Hope you are fine and happily doing the duty given by our One! Your photo is on my table along with Baba’s. You dear are unforgettable one.
Thank Baba that I had a chance - unexpected - to see you for 3 weeks, 11 years ago!
I think of you and talk of you to the people [here] – His lovers. Jai Baba!**
Wish you the best in Baba to burn bright as Agni! Thank you Baba, to meet your Spark at least once.”***
*Letter from Mansari Desai to Agnes Baron, February 12, 1993. Meher Mount Archives.
**Letter from Mansari Desai to Agnes Baron, December 10, 1993, Meher Mount Archives.
***Letter from Mansari Desai to Agnes Baron, January 12, 1993.
Photograph: Thank you Linda and Mario Zavala for this special photograph. They also visited Meherabad in September 1982.