"The inaudible sound is from heart to heart..."
Meher Mount
Your Friday photo is in honor of Silence Day, July 10th.
Silence Day is when followers of Avatar Meher Baba keep silence for 24 hours.
“Those who have been in his presence know that Baba communicates through his silence. What proceeds from him is beyond words, does not need words, could not be contained in them. The inaudible sound is from heart to heart; silence that penetrates mind and heart.”
Avatar Meher Baba began His silence on July 10, 1925. He said that His silence was not undertaken as a spiritual exercise, but solely in connection with His universal work.
After Meher Baba started His silence, He communicated by writing on a slate board. After that, He pointed to letters on an alphabet board to spell out words. Later, He used a series of hand gestures that were interpreted by His close disciples.
He kept silence for 44 years until He dropped His body on January 31, 1969.
Avatar Meher Baba, Bangalore, India, sometime between October 1939 to April 1940. Photographed by Bhaiya Panday. MSI Collection. Used with permission.
C.B. Purdom, The God-Man: The Life, Journey and Work of Meher Baba with an Interpretation of his Silence and Spiritual Teaching, Second Edition, second printing with corrections (2010), Avatar Meher Baba Trust eBook, June 2011, pg. 410. ©1964 C.B. Purdom, ©Meher Spiritual Center, Inc.