A Gift You Can Make from Your Estate
The good news is that you can create a legacy with a gift from your estate — regardless of the size of your estate.
You Can Make a Gift from Your Estate
The good news is that you can give a legacy gift for Meher Mount from your estate — regardless of the size of your estate.
Many of these gifts often do not affect cash flow during your lifetime. See what best fits your estate and your wishes.
Plan Now, Give Later
Designating Meher Mount in your will (or living trust) is the simplest form of gift planning that costs you nothing in your lifetime. You can identify a percentage share of your estate or a specific dollar. If you already have a will, often you can add a simple codicil regarding your gift to Meher Mount.
Reduce Taxable Income, Now or Later
Designate Meher Mount as a whole or partial beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement account. Or do an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and make a current gift directly from your IRA if you are 70 ½ or older. These funds must be directly transferred to Meher Mount from your IRA plan administrator. Either way, you reduce income taxes for you and/or your heirs, and you can give more tax-advantaged assets to heirs.
Large Gift, Little Cost
A gift of life insurance allows you to make a meaningful donation to Meher Mount while preserving other assets for yourself and your family. Life insurance affords you the opportunity to make a sizeable gift for a minimal outlay of cash. You do not have to change your will. Just designate Meher Mount as a whole or partial beneficiary of your policy.
Buy Low, Give High
Donate appreciated securities that are publicly traded including stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, and treasuries that you have held for more than one year. The value of your donation exceeds the cost of the original securities you purchased. Get a tax deduction on the full amount of the appreciated value of the security and avoid capital gains tax.
Reduce Capital Gains, Now or Later
Give appreciated real estate – vacation home, primary residence, commercial property, farm or land – and avoid capital gains tax as well as receive a large income tax deduction.
Give Now, Use Now
Want to donate your real estate, but continue to use and enjoy your property during your lifetime? Give real estate to Meher Mount but retain a life estate that allows you to use the property, while removing taxable assets from your estate. That’s what Agnes Baron did with the Meher Mount property.
Share the Value of Your Collectibles
or give meher baba treasures
Give artwork, antiques, rare books, or other collectibles to Meher Mount. Or, give specific Meher Baba treasures to share with others. Make a gift at little cost, put the value of your collection to work, and remove taxable assets from your estate.
Invest Now, Give Anytime
With a donor-advised fund, you receive an immediate tax deduction while allowing your assets to build in the fund. Then, you can donate any amount at any time from the fund. A donor-advised fund is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about.
Consult Your Personal Advisor
The information provided above is not to be construed as tax or legal advice and could change as tax laws change. You are advised to consult with your legal advisor, tax advisor, accountant, or professional estate planner to determine which options are best suited to your individual situation.
Share Your Plans to Ensure Your Legacy
Once you have discussed your options with your advisors and made a decision to make a planned gift to Meher Mount, please share these plans. Meher Mount can provide you and your advisors with sample language, if needed. And Meher Mount will make sure your gift is used exactly as you wish.
If you have already included Meher Mount in your plans (or you intend to), please contact Meher Mount. We would like to personally acknowledge your thoughtfulness and generosity.
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