AVATAR MEHER BABA (center, blue coat) at Meher Mount on August 2, 1956. Co-founder and lifetime caretaker Agnes Baron is taking Him on a tour of the property. (Photo: Darwin Shaw (c) Meher Nazar Publications)
Anniversary Sahavas — Saturday, August 3, 2024
You are invited to delight in the celebration on Saturday, August 3, 2024 of Avatar Meher Baba’s 1956 visit to Meher Mount.
You will love hearing special guest Goher (Kharas) Mobed share her own and her family’s stories of being with Meher Baba. Goher’s father is Minoo Kharas, one of Avatar Meher Baba’s close disciples.
Goher will also sign copies of her father's book, The God-Seeker. Copies available at the Sahavas.
You will also have time to walk in Meher Baba's footsteps, visit Baba's Tree, and see the views.
Click here for Directions.
Anniversary Sahavas Program — Saturday, August 3, 2024
Sahavas means close companionship of, or in the company of, a spiritual master. It also refers to a spiritual retreat or gathering where Meher Baba’s followers meet to remember Him.
GOHER (KHARAS) MOBED will share stories from her childhood of being with Meher Baba. Her father, Minoo Kharas, was one of Meher Baba’s closest disciples. Their home in Karachi, Pakistan, was a Meher Baba Center.
10:00 a.m.: Arrival, Sign-in, Fellowship
10:30 a.m.: "Family Stories of Being with Meher Baba, Part 1” — Goher (Kharas) Mobed
12:00 p.m.: Potluck Lunch: Bring your own or something to share for a potluck lunch
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: “Family Stories of Being with Meher Baba, Part 2” — Goher (Kharas) Mobed
3:30 p.m. – Book Signing, The God-Seeker by Minoo Kharas, with Goher Mobed
4:00 p.m. – Group walk to Baba’s Tree
4:15 p.m.: Arti (prayers, songs, poems, quotes) by Baba's Tree
6:00 p.m.: No-Host Dinner at Boccali’s restaurant (optional)
All Day: Spend time at Meher Baba’s touchstones, including Baba’s Tree, enjoy the views, and experience the silence and beauty of nature. Your visit to Meher Mount is an opportunity to walk in His footsteps and be in this place filled with Meher Baba’s essence.
All are welcome. There is a suggested donation of $20 per person for the program to help cover expenses.
About Goher (Kharas) Mobed
Goher Mobed is the daughter of Minoo and Freni Kharas. Her father was one of Meher Baba’s closest disciples. Minoo’s life was wholly and solely devoted to Meher Baba, and his devotion left an indelible impression on his children.
Goher had the rare privilege of a childhood filled with stories, experiences and teachings of Meher Baba. She also had the unique blessing of being named by Meher Baba.
GOHER MOBED with her husband Danny Mobed will be at the 2024 Anniversary Sahavas at Meher Mount on Saturday, August 3, 2024. Goher will share her family’s stories of following Avatar Meher Baba.
Goher met Meher Baba for the first time at the 1962 East West Gathering in Pune, India. She also was with Him in 1965 at Guruprasad, Pune.
She writes of her first meeting at the East-West Gathering:
“Some of us Easterners were called separately to have Baba’s darshan… This is my first memory of taking his darshan.
“I was standing in line with Dad and kept peeking from time to time around the person in front of me to get a close glimpse of Baba…
“I was fully aware, even at that tender age, of the momentous, supreme Grace that was bestowed on me and how fortunate I was to be in his physical presence.”
Goher will share more of this encounter along with other family stories of following Meher Baba.
No-Host Dinner At Boccali’s After The Celebration
There is a no-host dinner after the event at 6:00 p.m. at Boccali's restaurant for all who are interested. Boccali's is located at 3277 Ojai Santa Paula Road, Ojai, CA. If attending the dinner:
Please arrive at the restaurant by 6:00 p.m. Seating is limited. Later, you might not get served.
Please bring cash or your checkbook.
With such a large group, there are no separate checks. The total bill - including tax and a 20% tip - is divided by all participants. Each person pays that portion of the bill.
The dinner is a delightful time of fellowship and relaxation after a Meher Baba-filled day at Meher Mount.
Guidelines & What to Bring for the Anniversary Celebration
The weather will be warm and beautiful. The Anniversary is a wonderful time to remember and celebrate the presence of the Avatar of the Age at Meher Mount.
Please bring:
Your lunch or something to share in the potluck - whichever is most comfortable for you. Your food should be ready to eat and not require additional prep or cooking. The group will be eating on the patio which has no prep and cooking facilities. Plates, cups, and eating utensils will be provided.
A hat, sunscreen and water are recommended. Suggest close-toed shoes for walking.
Optional — flowers for Baba’s Fireplace, Baba’s Walkway or Baba’s Tree are always welcome.
There is a suggested donation of $20 per person to help cover the costs of the event.
Please do not bring:
Please do not bring your pets.
There are no fires, incense or candles. The fire danger is extremely high.
There are no drugs or alcohol.
For general visitor information, see the Visitor Guidelines.
Children — Parents are responsible for maintaining their children’s safety. Children under nine years must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
For children nine through 14 years, there should be a responsible adult at Meher Mount who is actively engaged in the supervision of their activities and whereabouts at all time.
Please note there is no climbing on any equipment or in the trees.
More About the Kharas Family
The God Seeker: Lessons in Discipleship, The Diaries of Minoo Kharas, Goher (Kharas) Mobed. Minocher Kharas, known as Minoo, was one of Avatar Meher Baba’s close disciples, declared at the end of his diaries that his life with the Master and his struggles against his own weaknesses are an “open book.” This book is available from the publisher, Beloved Archives.