“Real Death is when one dies to self, and Real Birth is, when dying to self, one is born in God, to live forever His eternal life consciously.”
You are invited to the Amartithi celebration of Meher Baba’s Advent. The Open House is on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Special guest Irwin Luck, who met Avatar Meher Baba in 1960, will share his stories of that encounter. Lunch will be provided.
The event is free and open to all.
For your convenience, there is an RSVP form below.
FREE RSVP for the Meher Mount Amartithi Open House — Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Amartithi is the anniversary of the date in 1969 — January 31st — when Meher Baba, the deathless One, dropped His body and left the physical form.
Amartithi is a Hindi and Marathi word. Literally, amar is deathless; tithi is day. Also, Amartithi is the eternal date or a date with the Eternal One.
Amartithi Open House — Wednesday, January 31, 2024
11:30 a.m.: Meher Mount Opens
12:00 p.m. — 12:15 p.m.: Silence in Honor of Avatar Meher Baba (Meher Baba dropped His body at 12:15 p.m. (IST) on January 31, 1969)
12:30 p.m.: Lunch Provided
1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m.: “Meeting Meher Baba” - A Talk by Irwin Luck
3:00 p.m.: Tea & Snacks, Walk to Baba’s Tree
4:00 p.m.: Arti (prayers, songs, poems, quotes) by Baba’s Tree
5:00 p.m.: Meher Mount Closes
All Day: Spend time at Meher Baba’s touchstones, including Baba’s Tree, enjoy the views, and experience the silence and beauty of nature. Your visit to Meher Mount is an opportunity to walk in His footsteps and be in this place filled with Meher Baba’s essence.
About Irwin Luck
AVATAR MEHER BABA and Irwin Luck, Guruprasad, Pune, India, 1960.
Irwin Luck, 22, of Miami, Florida, found out about Meher Baba from his younger brother. Edward had read the book, Listen, Humanity. He contacted Irwin saying, “I just read a book about a Spiritual Master in India. I think this is someone you should know about.”
Irwin was already interested in God and felt himself inwardly guided by Him. After reading Listen Humanity, Irwin was impressed by Meher Baba’s love and His statement that He was “the Highest of the High.”
The brothers were determined to meet Meher Baba. Irwin wrote to Meher Baba, stating that he was planning to make a trip to see Meher Baba, though Irwin had little money.
Within two weeks he received a reply from Meher Baba, which stated: “You may come and see me for one hour only.”
Six months passed, but as hard as he tried, Irwin could not raise the plane fare. Correspondence continued and he received permission to bring Edward. Meher Baba cabled on April 5, 1960:
“If [your] father agrees to bear expenses, Baba permits you both come to India middle May only to see Baba with or without father for two/three days staying in Poona. Cable decision Meherbaba Guruprasad Poona for further directions.”
Irwin sent another letter to Meher Baba, which read:
“I want very much to have the benefit of your love, direction and guidance, but the only thing preventing me from coming to see you is that I do not have all the money to make this trip. I cannot see where money should stand in the way of such an ideal, but I know if it is your will I will be able to come and see you.”
Meher Baba sent this reply: “Don’t worry. Circumstances will adjust themselves.”
True to Meher Baba’s promise, Irwin got the amount needed and left within a day. Though he had originally planned to travel with his younger brother, their father put an end to Edward’s trip. Their father had the New York police stop Edward at Idlewild Airport just prior to their departure.
They had not told their parents they were going, knowing they would object, and since Edward was still under legal adult age (21), his father was able to prevent him from leaving.
Meher Baba had informed them to come together, so Irwin thought he should return to Miami along with Edward. But Edward told him to go ahead, saying he would follow later. When Baba heard the story he punned, “One has more luck, the other more pluck!”
Additional Southern California Talk: Irwin Luck will also be the special guest for the Amartithi Celebration at the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California (Meherabode), 1214 Van Ness Ave, Los Angeles. The Amartithi program is on Tuesday, January 30 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. Dinner will be served. For more information and to RSVP for the Los Angeles Center program, email info@meherabode.org.
Guidelines & What to Bring for the Amartithi Celebration
What to Bring:
Bring warm clothes in layers, as the temperature will change during the day. The celebration will be primarily indoors, but you will need warm clothes and shoes that can get muddy if you wish to visit Baba’s Tree or walk to Avatar’s Point.
Bring a hat, sunscreen and gloves. January can be both very cool and sunny at Meher Mount.
Optional — Flowers for Baba’s Fireplace, Baba’s Walkway or Baba’s Tree are always welcome.
Check the weather report in case you need to prepare for rain.
For general visitor information, see the Visitor Guidelines.
Children — Parents are responsible for maintaining their children’s safety. Children under nine years must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
For children nine through 14 years, there should be a responsible adult at Meher Mount who is actively engaged in the supervision of their activities and whereabouts at all time.
Please note there is no climbing on any equipment or in the trees.
Please do not bring:
Please do not bring your pets.
There are no fires, incense or candles. The fire danger is extremely high.
There are no drugs or alcohol.
AVATAR MEHER BABA. Photo and flowers at Baba’s Fireplace which was part of the ‘Baba Room’ where Meher Baba gave Darshan (the grace of seeing the Divine) to His followers on August 2, 1956. (Photo: Juan Mendez)