What Was It Like to Be with Meher Baba?
Bill Le Page
By Bill Le Page
People "...particularly ask me what was it like to be with Meher Baba, what did I experience, what were His qualities?
BILL LE PAGE saying farewell to Avatar Meher Baba in 1954 after the "Three Incredible Weeks" gathering in Meherabad, India.
A Presence
"First and foremost, Meher Baba had a Presence, a Presence so complete and so overwhelming that one found no difficulty in being conscious only of Him.
"Yet He projected that Presence in the most natural way. He was simply being Himself, responding lovingly to those with Him, yet never giving the impression of seeking to gain their attention through any device, including miracles.
A Selfless, All-Embracing Love
"An all-pervading aspect of His presence is a selfless, all-embracing love that immediately lightens the spirits, and gives hope, courage, and a longing to embrace all with that same love. Never at any time did He express any thought or feeling that He was seeking anything for Himself.
"I can recall during my first contact with Him being most moved by the expression in His eyes, and the realisation that came with that feeling that here was One Who only sought in a philosophical sense the highest good for each, and in a personal sense a home in each heart.
A Love Relationship with the Whole of Creation
"I knew that outwardly He owned nothing, that He never touched money, that He dressed in a most simple fashion, and ate sparingly, even fasting for long periods.
"Such knowledge reinforces the conviction that He is seeking only our liberation from the bondage of our ignorance and selfish desires, and that all His attentions to us - His words, His orders, His wishes - are to bring about in us a joyous carefree, love relationship with the whole of Creation."
Bill Le Page, The Turning of the Key, (South Carolina: Sheriar Press, 1993), pp. 39-40. (c) Bill Le Page.