"Life is so beautiful. It is meant to be happy." - Avatar Meher Baba
Margaret Magnus
By Margaret Magnus
Meher Baba continually stressed a cheerful attitude and asked His followers not to be "garlic faced."
"DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY" by Bobby McFerrin was released in September 1988 and reached the Billboard Hot 100 chart for two weeks. The song's title is taken from a quote by Avatar Meher Baba, "Do your best. Then, don't worry, be happy in My love. I will help you." (Wikipedia)
Meher Baba on Happiness
There is an interview with Meher Baba on happiness in Not We But One: Meher Baba on Life, Living and Love, a collection of stories and messages from the life of Meher Baba by Bill Le Page. Meher Baba says:
“Everyone is unconsciously tired of this life, because everyone seeks happiness, but knows not how to get it. But life is so beautiful. It is meant to be happy. I will help you. Then things will appear changed. You will see it.
It is always the outlook that counts and not the object. Today you feel tired, upset, seeing nothing beautiful in the things around, in life.
If tomorrow you do not feel bored but cheerful, the same things that appeared black yesterday will seem changed. It is all due to changed mentality and outlook. The easy way is not to make much of things. Take them lightly.
Say to yourself ‘I am meant to be happy, to make others happy’ and gradually you do become happy yourself and make others so too.
Don’t suggest to your mind ‘I am tired, haggard, depressed.’ That will make you feel worse.
Always say ‘All is well and beautiful. I will be happy.’ I will help you spiritually.”
"HAPPY" by Pharrell Williams was first released on November 21, 2014, and is from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack album. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song. (Wikipedia)