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"Say to yourself, 'I am meant to be happy...'" - Avatar Meher Baba

Your Friday photo celebrates National Positive Thinking Day…

Avatar Meher Baba making His general gesture for happiness in this photo taken by Faredoon (Padri) Driver

It's as if Meher Baba is saying, “It’s good, isn’t it?” or “You’re happy, aren’t you?”

There’s a story shared in Lord Meher in which a nurse named Mrs. Schreiber told Meher Baba, “I am so tired of life and very unhappy. I don’t see how I can improve.”

Meher Baba responded:

“Everyone is unconsciously tired of this life, because everyone seeks happiness, but knows not how to get it.

But life is so beautiful! It is meant to be happy.

I will help you. Then things will appear changed. You will see it.

It is always the outlook that counts, and not the object.

Today, you feel tired, upset, seeing nothing beautiful in things around you in life.

If tomorrow, you do not feel bored but cheerful in the same things that appeared so black to you yesterday — it is all due to changed mentality and outlook.

The easy way is not to make so much of things. Take them lightly.

Say to yourself, 'I am meant to be happy, to make others happy,' and gradually you do become happy yourself and make others happy, too.

Don't suggest to your mind, 'I am tired, haggard, depressed,' et cetera. That will make it worse.

Always say, 'All is well and beautiful. I will be happy.’”


  • Quote: Bhau Kalchuri, Lord Meher: The Biography of the Avatar of the Age Meher Baba, Online Edition, pg. 1631, accessed August 29, 2024. (c)Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust.

  • Photograph: Faredoon (Padri) Driver, Bangalore, India, late 1939/early 1940. Meher Nazar Publications. Used with permission.

National Positive Thinking Day

Positive Thinking Day is celebrated on September 13th every year to highlight the rewards of positive thinking. Too much negativity can have an adverse impact on our emotional well-being. So, on Positive Thinking Day and other days too, it’s an opportunity to remind ourselves of Meher Baba’s words, “don’t’ worry, be happy.”